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Content Creation with WYSIWYG Editors: A Developer’s Guide

what is a wysiwyg editor thumbnail

In recent years, there has been a noticeable transformation in web development. A simpler and faster method has replaced the time-consuming process of carefully hand-coding each part of a web page. Here comes the WYSIWYG “What You See Is What You Get” Editor. This cutting-edge software application has radically transformed the development of web content.

To enable developers to observe their work as it will appear in a web browser – in real-time – WYSIWYG editors offer an intuitive, visually intensive interface. By doing so, the need to repeatedly compose code and examine the outcomes in an additional window is completely eradicated. A new level of efficiency is made available to developers of all backgrounds with this paradigm transition from conventional coding to a visual editing experience.

This article discusses what is a WYSIWYG editor, the core concepts, some benefits of using it for web development, and the technical aspects. By the end of this article, you’ll be able to understand how these editors can greatly enhance the workflow, whether you are a novice programmer or an experienced programmer commencing your web development voyage.

Core Concepts of WYSIWYG Editors

Scribbling code and visually examining the ultimate layout of a web page are the fundamental functions of WYSIWYG editors, which are software applications. WYSIWYG editors provide a visual interface that replicates the result, in contrast to conventional code editors that necessitate developers to input HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to establish the layout and design of a webpage.

This capability lets developers promptly observe the consequences of their font and image placements, formatting decisions, and other choices.

WYSIWYG editors distinguish themselves from other content editing tools by placing significant emphasis on displaying the final product visually. Content Management Systems (CMS) may be concerned with managing and publishing content within a predefined website structure, whereas text editors provide a more fundamental environment for writing code.

Features of WYSIWYG Editors

Most WYSIWYG editors share a fundamental collection of features that facilitate the creation of aesthetically pleasing and interactive web pages. Typically, these features comprise:

  • Text Formatting: WYSIWYG editors have a toolbar that looks much like the one in word processing software. This lets developers organize text with choices like bold, italics, headings, and different font styles. This guarantees that the content is presented in a uniform and aesthetically pleasing manner.
  • Image Insertion: For contemporary web design, cohesive integration of images is critical. This is facilitated by the fact that WYSIWYG editors can upload, modify, and position images directly from the graphical user interface.
  • Link Management: Links are critical to developing interactive web experiences; therefore, link management is vital. Linking to internal pages, external websites, or specific web page sections is typically facilitated by the tools provided by WYSIWYG editors. Constructing connections both within and outside the developed website is streamlined.

Benefits of WYSIWYG Editors for Web Development

WYSIWYG editors present a persuasive substitute for conventional code-centric approaches to web development.

These tools enable developers to optimize their work process and generate content with enhanced efficacy by offering a graphical user interface that closely resembles the ultimate webpage. However, WYSIWYG editors provide numerous advantages beyond merely providing a visual environment.

Efficiency in Content Creation

WYSIWYG editors advocate for the simplification of the developer content creation process. Basic formatting and layout modifications can be implemented without writing and revising lines of code via the graphical user interface.

Consider the amount of time that could be saved by dragging and dropping an image or adding bold text with a single click while simultaneously observing the instantaneous effect on the final webpage. By employing this intuitive methodology, developers can allocate their attention toward more intricate coding assignments and accomplish projects within a reduced period.

Enhanced Accuracy

Using WYSIWYG editors reduces the likelihood of defects making it into the final product. Contraries may arise between the written code and the visually rendered webpage when using conventional coding methods.

When using a WYSIWYG editor, precisely what you see is what you obtain. By enabling direct adjustments and revisions through the visual interface, developers can guarantee that the ultimate product accurately reflects their artistic intentions. Debugging code discrepancies is rendered conjecture and frustration-free by this real-time preview.

Accessibility for Non-Developers

The aesthetic appeal of WYSIWYG editors extends beyond their developer-centric design to include the capability of enabling non-programmers to utilize them. Web initiatives now allow content creators with limited coding expertise to contribute directly.

Editors frequently include pre-designed templates and drag-and-drop capabilities, which enable content specialists to generate visually appealing and logically organized web pages without learning intricate programming languages. This facilitates establishing partnerships between developers and content creators, culminating in an enhanced and ever-evolving online consumer experience.

Technical Aspects to Consider

Although WYSIWYG editors provide numerous advantages, their seamless integration into web development projects necessitates careful planning. Several crucial technical considerations are as follows:

The Incorporation of Web Projects

Typically, integrating a WYSIWYG editor into a web application requires the completion of a few fundamental procedures. The initial step is to select an editor that corresponds with your project’s specifications and technical framework.

We encourage you to look into the Froala WYSIWYG editor, as it possesses all the features and functionality a visual editor should have. After being selected, the editor will offer documentation that delineates precise integration procedures.

These procedures encompass using APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) to establish a connection between the editor and the backend of your web application or the embedding of code fragments.

Extensibility and Personalization

Web development initiatives vary in quality. The ideal WYSIWYG editor should provide a degree of customization to accommodate the particular requirements of your development project.

Consider editors like Froala, who support extensions and custom code to expand functionality. This guarantees that the editing experience can be customized to correspond with the specific content categories, layouts, and functionalities that your project demands.

For example, you may require a plugin to manage intricate data tables or specialized media formats unique to your project. Modifying an editor allows you to establish a customized development environment, facilitating content creation and improving your workflow.

Integrating Froala

This version includes only the essential parts for integrating Froala Editor: linking the CSS file, enabling content editing on the header, nav, section, and footer elements, and initializing the editor for those elements.



<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <title>Froala WYSIWYG Editor Integration</title>
    <!-- Include Froala Editor CSS -->
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
    <!-- Create a textarea element for the editor -->
    <textarea id="myEditor">Hello, Froala!</textarea>

    <!-- Include Froala Editor JS -->
    <script src=""></script>

        // Initialize Froala Editor on the textarea
        new FroalaEditor('#myEditor', {
            // Customize toolbar options
            toolbarButtons: {
                moreText: {
                    buttons: ['bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'strikeThrough', 'subscript', 'superscript', 'fontFamily', 'fontSize', 'textColor', 'backgroundColor', 'inlineClass', 'inlineStyle', 'clearFormatting']
                moreParagraph: {
                    buttons: ['alignLeft', 'alignCenter', 'formatOLSimple', 'alignRight', 'alignJustify', 'formatOL', 'formatUL', 'paragraphFormat', 'paragraphStyle', 'lineHeight']
                moreRich: {
                    buttons: ['insertLink', 'insertImage', 'insertVideo', 'insertTable', 'emoticons', 'fontAwesome', 'specialCharacters', 'insertHR']
            // Customize placeholder text
            placeholderText: 'Start typing here...',
            // Enable spellcheck
            spellcheck: true,
            // Enable responsive tables
            tableResponsive: true
            // Add more customization options as needed




Web development has been revolutionized by WYSIWYG editors, which provide a streamlined and graphical method for generating content. Moreover, they enhance precision, optimize operations, and enable developers to create extraordinary web experiences. It is recommended that you integrate a WYSIWYG editor into your toolkit for development. Explore Froala, a feature-rich and user-friendly alternative renowned for its adaptability.


Web Development on Linux: Choosing WYSIWYG HTML Editors

linux html

Web designers and developers maintain their focus on producing aesthetically pleasing and functional web experiences that operate consistently across various browser platforms. When this occurs, Linux WYSIWYG HTML editors are useful. These tools facilitate the transition from visual design to coding by providing users with a user-friendly interface that precisely replicates the generated output while enabling them to modify and manipulate web pages.

Conversely, the domain of WYSIWYG HTML editors presents a unique array of obstacles for Linux users. Although there are numerous alternatives available, not all place an equal emphasis on ensuring flawless cross-browser compatibility—a critical factor in providing a uniform user experience across all platforms.

This article looks into the world of Linux WYSIWYG HTML editor, examining the limitations of web development on Linux and demonstrating how these editors may expedite processes while ensuring flawless rendering across several browsers.

Why Cross-Browser Compatibility Matters?

Ensuring a flawless user experience in web development is contingent upon the content’s consistency and accessibility across an extensive array of web browsers and devices. Cross-browser functionality is utilized in this situation. It guarantees consistent rendering and functionality of your web pages, irrespective of the browser a visitor utilizes—Chrome, Firefox, Safari, or an obscure browser.

Cross-browser compatibility is crucial for Linux web developers for the following reasons:

User-Uniform Experience

Web functionality depends on accessibility. You ensure that all users have an exceptional experience, irrespective of their preferred web browser, by making sure of cross-browser compatibility and expanding your audience. Browser inconsistency may result in user perplexity and annoyance, which may ultimately deter them from visiting your website.

Seo (Search Engine Optimization)

An illustration of this is how Google prioritizes websites: by considering their responsiveness and cross-browser compatibility. A website exhibiting inconsistent display across browsers could potentially be identified as having usability issues, which could decrease its SEO.

Reduced Maintenance

It is advisable to maintain multiple versions of your website to accommodate variations in browser behavior. By making sure cross-browser compatibility is considered from the outset, long-term time and financial savings can be realized by maintaining a solitary codebase that functions flawlessly across all browsers.

Pitfalls of Overlooking Cross-Browser Testing

While it may be appealing to focus entirely on your preferred browser, ignoring cross-browser compatibility might lead to a variety of issues:

  • Decreased user satisfaction: Inconsistent layouts, faulty features, and graphic flaws can all degrade user experience. Consider a person encountering a non-functioning button or text that appears jumbled in their favorite browser. This may result in user discontent and a negative perception of your website.
  • Concerns Regarding Accessibility: Cross-browser compatibility and accessibility are inextricably linked. Access to your website may be hindered for users of obsolete browser versions or those who depend on particular accessibility features should it exhibit subpar performance in certain browsers.
  • Wasted resources: Bugs found solely in specific browsers require additional development time to resolve. By adding cross-browser compatibility testing from the start, you may completely prevent these concerns and streamline your development process.

Selecting a Linux WYSIWYG HTML Editor for Cross-Browser Projects

The capacity of a given WYSIWYG HTML editor for Linux to facilitate seamless cross-browser compatibility is a determining factor in its selection. The following is what you should look for:

Support for Modern Web Standards

To ensure that all browsers work together, it is important to use modern web standards like CSS3, HTML5, and the WCAG accessibility rules. Ensure that your editor’s code follows the most recent guidelines and looks the same in all browsers.

Tools for Responsive Design

The web landscape has expanded beyond computers. With the rise in the prevalence of mobile devices, responsive design has become less significant. Consider editors that include native functionalities for constructing flexible layouts, enabling you to design websites that effortlessly conform to various screen sizes.

Integration with Linux

Not every WYSIWYG editor works well with Linux. Choose an editor that supports native Linux or gives detailed installation instructions for your specific distribution. Consider editors that work well with common Linux development tools, such as code editors and version control systems.

Testing and Debugging Tools

The greatest WYSIWYG editors go beyond simple visual editing. Consider choices that have built-in or offer easy integration with cross-browser testing tools. This allows you to evaluate your product in several browsers from within the editor’s interface, making identifying and correcting compatibility concerns easier.

Editors like Froala are notable for their commitment to cross-browser compatibility. Froala’s WYSIWYG editor provides clean, standards-compliant code and has a rich set of capabilities tailored to Linux web development workflows.

Its user-friendly interface and smooth interaction with common testing frameworks make it a fantastic solution for developers looking for perfect cross-browser compatibility in their Linux applications.

Benefits of Using WYSIWYG Editors on Linux

For Linux-based web development, the correct WYSIWYG HTML editor can be a game changer, giving several benefits:

Efficiency in Development

While enabling real-time previews and visual content creation, WYSIWYG editors accelerate the development process. Consider how much time you could save by building layouts and modifying elements graphically, with the option to see the produced output in the editor.

This eliminates the need for continual code-switching and browser refreshing, freeing you to concentrate on the creative aspects of web creation.

Example of Using a WYSIWYG Editor on Linux

This code snippet showcases how to integrate a WYSIWYG editor into a web page on Linux, demonstrating its efficiency in development and potential for reducing errors.


<!-- Example of using a WYSIWYG editor on Linux -->
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <title>Linux WYSIWYG Editor Example</title>
    <!-- Include WYSIWYG editor CSS -->
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="wysiwyg-editor.css">
    <!-- WYSIWYG editor container -->
    <div id="editor-container">
        <!-- Editor content -->
        <p>Edit your content here...</p>

    <!-- Include WYSIWYG editor JS -->
    <script src="wysiwyg-editor.js"></script>
        // Initialize the WYSIWYG editor
        const editor = new WYSIWYGEditor('#editor-container');


Reduced Errors

Manually writing HTML and CSS can lead to problems, especially for individuals unfamiliar with the syntax. WYSIWYG editors reduce this danger by creating clean code in the background while you visually construct your web pages. This not only saves development time spent debugging code, but it also provides a more stable basis for your website.

Enhanced Collaboration

The simplicity of using WYSIWYG technologies is their strongest feature. Developers of all skill levels can use the user-friendly interface of WYSIWYG editors, which is different from code-centric development.

This enables the participation of team members possessing diverse coding proficiencies in the design process. The WYSIWYG environment improves communication and project management by fostering collaboration among content creators, designers, and developers.


Ensuring Cross-Browser Compatibility

WYSIWYG HTML editors provide a compelling solution for Linux web developers and designers who aim to optimize workflows and ensure seamless compatibility across various browsers.

Selecting an editor that emphasizes responsive design, modern web standards, and smooth integration with Linux development tools can greatly enhance the efficacy of development processes and guarantee a uniform user experience across various web browsers.

Remember, best practices like utilizing standards-compliant code, progressive enhancement, and browser testing remain crucial for optimal compatibility.

By utilizing an appropriate WYSIWYG editor, one can effectively navigate the complexities of Linux web development and create remarkable web experiences that operate without any issues for all users.


In the world of Linux web development, delivering consistent web experiences across several browsers might feel like an uphill battle. However, WYSIWYG HTML editors are effective allies, allowing developers and designers to expedite operations and assure full cross-browser compatibility.

By emphasizing editors who support modern web standards, responsive design, and smooth Linux integration, you can significantly boost development efficiency and create websites that work seamlessly for users regardless of browser.

Remember that employing progressive enhancement techniques, standards-compliant code, and rigorous browser testing are all good practices that pave the way to flawless compatibility. Leverage the capabilities of WYSIWYG editors to enhance the efficiency and satisfaction of your web development endeavors on Linux.


Simple Integration Guide: Adding Math Equations and Chemistry Formulas to Froala Editor

integrating Froala with mathType

Wondering how to type math equations and chemistry formulas in Froala Editor?

By integrating Froala with MathType, you can easily insert math equations and chemistry formulas in the Froala editor. In this blog post, we will learn how to integrate Froala and mathType.

What is MathType?

MathType is an intuitive solution for creating quality math formulas in your documents and digital content. It is the leading formula editor and equation writer used by K-12 and university STEM students and faculty worldwide.

MathType has a user-friendly interface that makes writing scientific content on your computer fun. Forget about having to learn LaTeX to write math on a computer.

MathType has a handwriting interface powered with AI to convert your handwritten formula into a clean digital equation ready to be used in the editor.

MathType is not just for math equations but also provides a tool for handling chemistry formulas.

MathType is designed to meet accessibility standards in order to make the software accessible to individuals with disabilities. It follows the WCAG 2.0 guidelines from W3C, making sure content can be read by assistive technologies and operated with a keyboard.

Incorporating Froala HTML editor includes MathType capabilities, enabling easy writing of math equations and chemical formulas in your WYSIWYG editor.

How Can I Integrate MathType With Froala?

  • include Froala stylesheet and scripts files and the element you want to initialize the editor in your HTML page
<!DOCTYPE html>

        <meta charset="utf-8">
        <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, height=device-height, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0" />
        // Froala Stylesheet
        <link href='' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' />

        <!-- HTML element for displaying the editor -->
        <div id="editor"></div>
        <!-- Froala JS file -->
        <script type='text/javascript' src=''></script>  


  • Install the MathType for Froala npm module by running the following command:
npm i @wiris/mathtype-froala3
  •  Include the MathType-Froala plugin script in your HTML page
<script src="node_modules/@wiris/mathtype-froala3/wiris.js"></script>
  • Initialize the editor
new FroalaEditor('#editor', {
   // Add MathType and ChemType buttons to the toolbar and the image menu:
   toolbarButtons: ['wirisEditor', 'wirisChemistry'], 
   quickInsertButtons: ['image', 'table', 'wirisEditor', 'wirisChemistry'],
   // Allow all tags, in order to allow MathML:
   htmlAllowedTags:  ['.*'],
   htmlAllowedAttrs: ['.*'],
   // Allow empty tags on these next elements for proper formula rendering:
   htmlAllowedEmptyTags: ['mprescripts', 'none', 'textarea', 'a', 'iframe', 'object', 'video', 'style', 'script', '.fa', '.fr-emoticon', '.fr-inner', 'path', 'line', 'hr'],

In the above code:

  • We customized the editor toolbar buttons to display a button for adding math equations “wirisEditor“ and a button for adding chemistry formulas “wirisChemistry“ using `toolbarButtons` option.
  • We also customized the `quickInsertButtons` option to display the MathType buttons on the Quick Insert toolbar. This toolbar appears when you have the cursor on a blank new line.
  • Additionally, we set the `htmlAllowedTags`, `htmlAllowedAttrs`, and `htmlAllowedEmptyTags` properties to ensure proper rendering of formulas in the editor and while displaying it later on the HTML page outside the editor.
    • htmlAllowedTags is an array containing allowed tags to be inserted in the editor, by default it’s set to
      ['a', 'abbr', 'address', 'area', 'article', 'aside', 'audio', 'b', 'base', 'bdi', 'bdo', 'blockquote', 'br', 'button', 'canvas', 'caption', 'cite', 'code', 'col', 'colgroup', 'datalist', 'dd', 'del', 'details', 'dfn', 'dialog', 'div', 'dl', 'dt', 'em', 'embed', 'fieldset', 'figcaption', 'figure', 'footer', 'form', 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6', 'header', 'hgroup', 'hr', 'i', 'iframe', 'img', 'input', 'ins', 'kbd', 'keygen', 'label', 'legend', 'li', 'link', 'main', 'map', 'mark', 'menu', 'menuitem', 'meter', 'nav', 'noscript', 'object', 'ol', 'optgroup', 'option', 'output', 'p', 'param', 'pre', 'progress', 'queue', 'rp', 'rt', 'ruby', 's', 'samp', 'script', 'style', 'section', 'select', 'small', 'source', 'span', 'strike', 'strong', 'sub', 'summary', 'sup', 'table', 'tbody', 'td', 'textarea', 'tfoot', 'th', 'thead', 'time', 'title', 'tr', 'track', 'u', 'ul', 'var', 'video', 'wbr']

      Since MathType uses other HTML tags, we customized htmlAllowedTags to be

      htmlAllowedTags:  ['.*'],

      This allows MathType custom tags to be inserted in the editor.

    • htmlAllowedAttrs is an array containing allowed attributes to be used for tags, by default it’s set to
      ['accept', 'accept-charset', 'accesskey', 'action', 'align', 'allowfullscreen', 'allowtransparency', 'alt', 'aria-.*', 'async', 'autocomplete', 'autofocus', 'autoplay', 'autosave', 'background', 'bgcolor', 'border', 'charset', 'cellpadding', 'cellspacing', 'checked', 'cite', 'class', 'color', 'cols', 'colspan', 'content', 'contenteditable', 'contextmenu', 'controls', 'coords', 'data', 'data-.*', 'datetime', 'default', 'defer', 'dir', 'dirname', 'disabled', 'download', 'draggable', 'dropzone', 'enctype', 'for', 'form', 'formaction', 'frameborder', 'headers', 'height', 'hidden', 'high', 'href', 'hreflang', 'http-equiv', 'icon', 'id', 'ismap', 'itemprop', 'keytype', 'kind', 'label', 'lang', 'language', 'list', 'loop', 'low', 'max', 'maxlength', 'media', 'method', 'min', 'mozallowfullscreen', 'multiple', 'muted', 'name', 'novalidate', 'open', 'optimum', 'pattern', 'ping', 'placeholder', 'playsinline', 'poster', 'preload', 'pubdate', 'radiogroup', 'readonly', 'rel', 'required', 'reversed', 'rows', 'rowspan', 'sandbox', 'scope', 'scoped', 'scrolling', 'seamless', 'selected', 'shape', 'size', 'sizes', 'span', 'src', 'srcdoc', 'srclang', 'srcset', 'start', 'step', 'summary', 'spellcheck', 'style', 'tabindex', 'target', 'title', 'type', 'translate', 'usemap', 'value', 'valign', 'webkitallowfullscreen', 'width', 'wrap']

      Since MathType uses other HTML attributes, we customized htmlAllowedAttrs to be

      htmlAllowedAttrs: ['.*'],
    • htmlAllowedEmptyTags is an array containing a list of tags that are not removed when they have no content inside. We have added ‘mprescripts’ and ‘none’ tags since these tags can be inserted by MathType and could be empty.

Customize MathType Editor

MathType offers various choices for adjusting its design, enabling you to coordinate it with your application’s interface and enhance the user’s experience. Refer to the MathType documentation for a comprehensive list of available choices. Use the mathTypeParameters option to send these parameters. One way to adjust the MathEditor language is by following this process.

mathTypeParameters: { 
 editorParameters: { Language: 'es' },

You can also disable the handwriting interface by setting the detectHand option to false.

mathTypeParameters: { 
 editorParameters: { Language: 'es' },
       detectHand: false

Here is the full page code

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <link href='' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' />
    <title>Froala & MathType integration</title>

    <!-- HTML element fo displaying the editor -->
    <div id="editor"></div>

    <!-- Froala JS file -->
    <script type='text/javascript' src=''></script>  

    <script src="node_modules/@wiris/mathtype-froala3/wiris.js"></script>

        new FroalaEditor('#editor', {
            // Add MathType and ChemType buttons to the toolbar and the image menu:
            toolbarButtons: ['wirisEditor', 'wirisChemistry'], 
            quickInsertButtons: ['image', 'table', 'wirisEditor', 'wirisChemistry'],
            // Allow all tags, in order to allow MathML:
            htmlAllowedTags:  ['.*'],
            htmlAllowedAttrs: ['.*'],
            // Allow empty tags on these next elements for proper formula rendering:
            htmlAllowedEmptyTags: ['mprescripts', 'none', 'textarea', 'a', 'iframe', 'object', 'video', 'style', 'script', '.fa', '.fr-emoticon', '.fr-inner', 'path', 'line', 'hr'],
            //mathType options
            mathTypeParameters: { 
                editorParameters: { 
                    Language: 'es',
                    backgroundColor: '#333',
                    detectHand: false

How Can I Render MathML Data and Store Generated Images Locally?

The MathType npm package uses remotely hosted services to display MathML content remotely. Nevertheless, we suggest that you set up these services on your backend. This will enable you to, among other capabilities, set up the service and save the images produced by MathType on your server.

Plugins are available for Java, PHP, .NET, and Ruby on Rails. If you are using any of these technologies, make sure to get the plugin for your backend technology from here.

How To Display Math Equations and Chemistry Formulas Outside The Editor?

To display mathematical formulas on the webpage where content produced by the Froala HTML editor will be visible, the target page needs to include the MathType script. For example, for the default setting, this would be:

<script src=""></script>

How To Insert Math Equations and Chemistry Formulas Effortlessly?

Once you integrate MathType, there will be two icons added to the Froala toolbar.

Integrate Froala and MathType editor

Clicking on the square root icon will display all the symbols available for math equations. Once you are done, click on the OK button. The equation will be inserted into your WYSIWYG editor.
MathType editor

Clicking on the C icon will display all the symbols available for chemistry formulas. Once you are done, click on the OK button. The formula will be inserted into your WYSIWYG editor.
Button to open chemType editor

ChemType editor


To sum up, integrating Froala with MathType provides a seamless solution to include math equations and chemistry formulas in your content creation workflow. By following the instructions provided in this blog post, you can enhance the functionality of Froala Editor, making it easier to create and display complex scientific content. Whether you are a student, educator, or professional in the STEM field, leveraging MathType’s capabilities within Froala Editor can streamline your workflow and improve the accessibility of your mathematical and chemical content. Embracing this integration opens up a world of possibilities for effectively communicating scientific concepts in a visually appealing and interactive manner.

Are you prepared to enhance your content by including flawless math equations and chemistry formulas? Try out the combination of Froala Editor and MathType now to see their powerful capabilities. Begin generating visually impressive and engaging scientific content with ease. Give it a try now and access a higher level of creativity!

Download Froala Editor

Efficient Handling of Special Characters in HTML with Froala WYSIWYG Editor

special characters in HTML pages

Have you ever wondered how developers add cool symbols like copyright signs to websites? It’s all about special characters! This blog post will show you how to use special characters in HTML pages. We’ll explain the differences between Unicode values and HTML entities to represent special characters in a way that’s easy to understand. Plus, we’ll introduce you to the Froala editor, a handy tool that makes working with special characters a breeze.

Get ready to learn the secrets of special characters and level up your web design skills. Let’s make your web pages stand out with special characters that add a touch of magic!

What are Special Characters?

Special characters are characters that are not part of the standard alphanumeric or punctuation characters found on a typical keyboard. These characters serve specific functions or have special meanings in various contexts, such as programming languages, markup languages like HTML, and text processing.

Special characters can include symbols, diacritics, mathematical symbols, currency symbols, punctuation marks, and other characters used for specific purposes. Some common examples of special characters include:

  1. & (ampersand): Used in HTML to start an entity reference.
  2. # (hash or pound sign): Used in programming languages for comments or to indicate numbers.
  3. $ (dollar sign): Used to represent currency or variables in programming.
  4. @ (at sign): Used in email addresses and social media handles.

Special characters can have different meanings and functions depending on the context in which they are used. It is important to handle them correctly using HTML entities or Unicode values to avoid formatting issues or errors in the display of web content.

How to Include Special Characters in HTML?

Special characters in HTML can be handled using HTML entities or Unicode values. Both values are used in HTML to represent special characters that cannot be easily typed on a keyboard or may cause formatting issues if used directly in the code. They are used to display characters such as copyright symbols, arrows, and accented letters on web pages.

Using HTML entities or Unicode values, you can effectively include special characters in HTML and ensure they are displayed correctly on your web pages.

What is the Difference Between HTML Entity and Unicode for Special Characters?

An HTML entity and Unicode are both used to represent special characters in HTML, but they serve different purposes and have different formats.

An HTML entity is a named code that represents a specific character in HTML. For example, &copy; is the HTML entity for the copyright symbol ©. HTML entities begin with an ampersand (&) and end with a semicolon (;). Entities are easier to read and understand in the code, making them more human-friendly.

Unicode, on the other hand, is a universal character encoding standard that assigns a unique numerical value to every character and symbol in almost all the world’s writing systems. Unicode values are typically represented in HTML using the hexadecimal format &#xXXXX; (where XXXX is the Unicode value in hexadecimal). For example, the Unicode value for the copyright symbol © is 00A9, so it can be represented in HTML as &#x00A9;.

In summary, HTML entities are named codes for special characters in HTML, while Unicode provides a universal standard for encoding characters across different writing systems. HTML entities are easier to use and understand in the code, while Unicode allows for a broader range of characters to be represented in a standardized way.

Simplifying Handling HTML special characters in web pages

Developers face challenges in using special characters due to the need for accurate HTML symbol codes, entities, or Unicode values for each character. Mishandling these characters can result in formatting problems or display errors on websites. While there are reference websites available for these codes and values, a more effective solution is to utilize an editor that gives you a dropdown menu for selecting special characters visually. Using a text editor that supports Unicode encoding ensures correct display and saving of characters.

Froala Wysiwyg editor is an example of a powerful editor that supports special characters efficiently by providing a convenient way to select and insert symbols without the need to remember specific codes or values. This editor simplifies the process of incorporating special characters into web content, ensuring accurate display and compatibility across different browsers. By utilizing tools like the Froala Wysiwyg editor, developers can enhance the visual appeal and functionality of their websites with ease.

How does Froala manage special characters?

Froala offers two plugins for managing special characters in the editor.

Special Characters Plugin

The special Characters plugin adds a toolbar button that opens a dropdown menu. This menu contains a list of special characters for users to select from. By utilizing the specialCharactersSets option, you can specify the special characters to be displayed and categorize them. For example, consider the following initialization code:

new FroalaEditor('div#froala-editor', {
  // Set custom buttons.
  toolbarButtons: ['bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'specialCharacters', 'html'],
  specialCharactersSets: [    
      title: "Letters",
      "char": "&Imacr;",
      list: [{
        "char": "&imacr;",
      title: "Punctuation",
      "char": "&copy;",
      list: [{
        "char": "&reg;",
      }, {
        "char": "&copy;",
        desc: "COPYRIGHT SIGN"


In the code above, the editor toolbar was customized with a limited selection of buttons, including the “specialCharacters” button. Two categories of special characters were defined to be displayed when the user clicks on this button using the specialCharactersSets option.

The first category is “Letters,” represented by the uppercase letter I with macron (Ĩ), and includes only one symbol: “the lowercase letter i with macron (ĩ)”. The second category, “Punctuation,” contains two symbols: the copyright © and the registered trademark ® signs.

special characters in Froala editor

Now when using the editor, you can conveniently select and insert the defined special characters without having to remember specific codes or values. This simplifies the process of incorporating special characters into web content, ensuring accurate display and compatibility across different browsers.

However, if you insert the “ĩ” and then switch the editor to the code view mode, you will find that it is still showing as “ĩ” and not converted to the corresponding entity value ”&imacr;”. That’s why the Froala Entities plugin comes in to fix this problem.

Froala special characters plugin

Entities Plugin

The Entities plugin displays HTML entities in the code view when their related special character symbol is inserted in the editor. Use the entities option to specify the HTML entities that should be displayed in the code view when their related special character symbol is inserted in the editor. For instance, using the following initialization code will convert “ĩ” to the corresponding entity value ”&imacr;” in the code view.

new FroalaEditor('div#froala-editor', {

  entities: '&imacr;'


The power of using Special Characters and Entities Plugins together

Combining the functionality of the Special Characters and Entities plugins provides a comprehensive solution for handling special characters seamlessly within the Froala Wysiwyg editor. This integration enhances the editing experience and ensures the proper display of special characters in the HTML code.

For example, consider the following initialization code:

new FroalaEditor('div#froala-editor', {
  // Set custom buttons.
  toolbarButtons: ['bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'specialCharacters', 'html'],
  specialCharactersSets: [    
      title: "Letters",
      "char": "&Imacr;",
      list: [{
        "char": "&imacr;",
      title: "Punctuation",
      "char": "&copy;",
      list: [{
        "char": "&reg;",
      }, {
        "char": "&copy;",
        desc: "COPYRIGHT SIGN"

  entities: '&imacr;&reg;&copy;'

Using the above code, the Special Characters plugin will display a popup containing ĩ, ©, and ® symbols. When one of them is selected, the entities plugin converts it to their respective HTML entity – ĩ to “&imacr;“, © to “ &copy;“, and ® to “ &reg;“ in the code view.

Froala Entity Plugin

By combining the Special Characters and Entities Plugins, users no longer need to search for special character entity values every time they want to use one. They can simply select the icon from the dropdown menu.


The Froala WYSIWYG editor with its Special Characters and Entities Plugins streamlines the process of inserting special characters, eliminating the need to memorize specific codes or values. This powerful editor not only enhances the editing experience but also guarantees the proper display of special characters within the HTML code.

By simplifying the handling of special characters, developers can focus on enhancing the visual appeal and functionality of their websites without worrying about formatting issues. The comprehensive solution offered by Froala empowers developers to effortlessly incorporate special characters, adding a touch of magic to their web pages and creating a seamless user experience.

Embrace the power of special characters in your HTML projects by utilizing the Froala WYSIWYG editor with its Special Characters and Entities Plugins. Experience the seamless integration, streamlined workflow, and accurate display of special characters. Try Froala editor today and unleash your creativity in web design!

Download Froala Editor

The Power of Visual HTML Editors: A developer’s guide

Revolutionizing Web Design: The Power of Visual HTML Editors

A paradigm shift is occurring in web development, and visual HTML editors are emerging as a formidable force. These novel tools surpass the constraints of conventional text-based coding by implementing a graphical user interface that enables the manipulation of HTML code.

This progression represents a shift towards more intuitive design practices, allowing developers and designers to interact with code visually. This methodology facilitates many benefits, including optimizing processes and promoting a more cooperative atmosphere.

This comprehensive guide is an in-depth resource, providing you with the knowledge to effectively utilize a visual HTML editor in web development endeavours. In this discussion, we will investigate and propose pragmatic approaches to ensure a smooth transition into your development workflow.


visual html editing

Why Use a Visual HTML Editor?

The appeal of visual HTML editors resides in their capacity to substantially improve the effectiveness, inclusivity, and cooperative characteristics of web development. Let’s further explore these fundamental advantages:

1. Design and Development Efficiency

A drag-and-drop interface is implemented in visual HTML editors, which facilitates the design process. This methodical approach results in significant time efficiency, enabling you to concentrate on refining the more intricate aspects of your design.

Moreover, visual editors are equipped with instantaneous previews, which eliminates the need for frequent transitions between the code and a distinct display window, thereby promoting a more fluid and efficient development process. 

In addition, many visual editors provide immediate feedback regarding modifications made to the code. By flagging tense or syntactical errors in real-time, these obstacles can be prevented from escalating during development.

2. Accessibility for Non-Coders

Conventionally, entry into the field of web development necessitated a solid grounding in programming languages such as HTML and CSS. Visual online HTML editors facilitate web development for users with limited coding expertise by reducing this barrier.

Consider the case of graphic designers, who can produce visually appealing compositions using the visual interface rather than delving into intricate code structures. Content creators can gain a renewed sense of authority over their online presence by utilizing visual editors to construct rudimentary web pages for blogs or landing pages.

3. Enhanced Collaboration

Visual HTML editors facilitate a more collaborative environment by serving as a link between designers and developers. The drag-and-drop functionality allows designers to manipulate and test layouts and designs in real-time while developers can access and alter the underlying code invisibly. 

In addition, many visual editors incorporate communication functionalities that enable team members to provide feedback and comments directly within the editor’s interface. This facilitates a design process that is more transparent and iterative, culminating in an enhanced final product.

Key Features to Look for in a Visual HTML Editor

The visual HTML editor you select can substantially impact the workflow during development. Consider the following breakdown of essential features:

Responsive Design Assistance

Your web pages must be mobile-responsive in today’s society. A good visual editor should have responsive layout tools. Look for drag-and-drop grid systems and media query editors to easily optimize designs for different screen sizes.

Integration Capabilities

A visual HTML editor with your development tools can improve your process. Compatible frameworks like Bootstrap and React make visual design and code implementation easy. Additionally, CMS integration simplifies webpage publishing.

Customizable UI Components

Different projects have different design needs. A versatile visual editor should have many adjustable UI elements. This can consist of pre-designed components such as navigation bars, forms, and icons that are simple to modify to reflect your brand identity. Use editors with color, font, and spacing adjustments to preserve consistent visual language.

Comprehensive Documentation and Support

Excellent documentation and assistance are essential, even with a simple interface. Find editors with extensive tutorials, clear API references, and active online communities to answer queries and troubleshoot issues.

Implementing a Visual HTML Editor in Your Projects

Integrating a visual HTML editor into your workflow can be a seamless process. Here’s a general overview:

  • Choosing the Right Tool: Assess project complexity, team expertise, and desired design flexibility. Explore free/paid options and utilize trial versions.
  • Familiarization & Integration:  Explore editor tutorials and documentation. Integrate the editor with your existing development pipeline (version control).
  • Workflow Integration: Leverage real-time previews for efficient iteration. Facilitate designer-developer collaboration using built-in communication features.
  • Optimization & Deployment: Utilize export functionalities to generate clean code. Deploy your webpage and leverage editors for future updates and maintenance.

A Powerful Example of Visual HTML Editors: Froala

While many visual HTML editors exist, Froala is a sophisticated solution designed to empower modern web development teams. Froala’s easy UI and smooth integration enable designer-developer collaboration.

It’s flexible customization and feature set meet project needs, ensuring a smooth process. Consider exploring Froala to experience the transformative power of visual HTML editors in your next project.

Visual Power: A Side-by-Side Comparison

Imagine the difference between carefully writing code to design a webpage and easily dragging and dropping elements into a visual canvas. Here’s a sneak peek into the efficiency that visual HTML editors provide: 

Traditional HTML Editor

This manual code demonstrates how HTML pages are traditionally created without a visual HTML editor. So, whenever you need to change your webpage, you must edit your code. 



<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <title>Traditional HTML Coding</title>
        body {
            font-family: Arial, sans-serif;
            background-color: #f0f0f0;
            margin: 0;
            padding: 0;
        header {
            background-color: #333;
            color: #fff;
            padding: 10px;
            text-align: center;
        nav {
            background-color: #444;
            color: #fff;
            padding: 10px;
            text-align: center;
        section {
            padding: 20px;
        footer {
            background-color: #333;
            color: #fff;
            padding: 10px;
            text-align: center;
            position: fixed;
            bottom: 0;
            width: 100%;
        <h1>Traditional HTML Coding</h1>
            <li><a href="#">Home</a></li>
            <li><a href="#">About</a></li>
            <li><a href="#">Contact</a></li>
        <h2>About Us</h2>
        <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer nec odio. Praesent libero.</p>
        <p>&copy; 2024 Traditional HTML Coding</p>



Visual HTML Editor

This code creates a basic HTML framework and includes the necessary CSS and JavaScript files to integrate Visual Froala Editor. It then sets up the editor for the header, navigation, section, and footer elements, allowing users to change material visually on the webpage.



<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <title>Using Froala Visual HTML Editor</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
    <header contenteditable="true">
        <h1>Using Froala Visual HTML Editor</h1>
    <nav contenteditable="true">
            <li><a href="#">Home</a></li>
            <li><a href="#">About</a></li>
            <li><a href="#">Contact</a></li>
    <section contenteditable="true">
        <h2>About Us</h2>
        <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer nec odio. Praesent libero.</p>
    <footer contenteditable="true">
        <p>&copy; 2024 Using Froala Visual HTML Editor</p>
    <script src=""></script>
        document.querySelectorAll('[contenteditable="true"]').forEach(element => new FroalaEditor(element));



Visual HTML editors revolutionized web development. Designers and developers can use simplified processes to build beautiful and useful web experiences. More productive and exciting production with real-time previews, seamless collaboration, and clean, well-structured code.

As web development evolves, visual HTML editors open new doors. Explore these technologies’ revolutionary potential. Consider Froala, a smart visual editor for modern web development. Froala lets you optimize your process and unleash your creative ideas, shaping web design with its straightforward interface, rich functionality, and seamless integration.


How to Define Get and Set Content Functions for html editor software

getter and setter Text Thumbnail

Content manipulation is the central core of a web application that involves text editing. Regarding apps, two functions are essential for good performance in this software engineering area: get content and set content for html editor software.

To see how this works, you must understand how the mechanics of these functions are elementary.

  1. App users want their content saved in a database when interacting with the editor. However, the editor must obtain the content to enable this saving process. This behavior is the function of the getContent() method.

  2. The other function the user may need is to edit previously saved content in a database. The setContent() method does this.

In this guide, we’ll explore how to harness the content manipulation capabilities of Froala  WYSIWYG Editor to accomplish these tasks effectively.

Getting Content

To retrieve the content from a Froala Editor instance, you can utilize the HTML.get method

This method lets you fetch the HTML content within the editor and use it as needed in your application. 

Here’s how you can do it in this JavaScript code snippet:

// Get the Froala Editor instance

var editor = new FroalaEditor('.selector', {}, function () {




In this code snippet, the editor is the instance of the Froala Editor class, initialized with its configuration options.  

Then, editor.html.get(true) retrieves the HTML content from the editor, which can be stored in a variable (content in this case) or used within your application.

The parameters passed to the constructor are:

.selector: This CSS selector specifies the element(s) on which the Froala Editor will be applied. .selector should likely be replaced with the actual CSS selector of the HTML element where you want to instantiate the Froala Editor.

{}: This is an empty object literal that can be used to pass configuration options.

function () { editor.html.get(true); }: This callback function is executed once the Froala Editor instance is initialized. Inside this function, editor.html.get(true) is called. This function is likely used to retrieve the editor’s HTML content.


This Jsfiddle project shows this function in operation. The Froala site has all the documentation about getHTML.

In the HTML, use this code:

<div id="froala-editor">


  Open the console to see the <em>html.get</em> method working.



The JavaScript script:


  let editor = new FroalaEditor('div#froala-editor', {}, function () {




You will see the content is getting on the console:

Setting Content

Setting content in Froala Editor involves populating the editor with HTML content programmatically. The html.set method allows you to do just that. 

Here’s how you can use it:

// Get the Froala Editor instance

var editor = new FroalaEditor('.selector', {}, function () {

editor.html.set('<p>My custom paragraph.</p>');


In this snippet, the editor represents the Froala Editor instance. You can initialize it with your desired configuration options. 

Then, editor.html.set(newContent) sets the HTML content specified in newContent within the editor instance. 

This can be handy when you want to dynamically update the editor’s content based on user interactions or external data sources.


Let’s check an example that provides visibility into the triggering of the contentChanged event, illustrating how the content of the rich text editor manifests beyond its editable confines. 

The project is in the Jsfiddle, and the documentation can be seen on the Froala site.

On the HTML file use this code:

<div id="froala-editor">




<div id="preview" class="fr-view">




The JavaScript script:


  $(function() {

    new FroalaEditor('div#froala-editor', {

      events: {

        contentChanged: function () {








The gif below shows how this script works on the Froala editor.



Manipulating content is fundamental to web development, especially with rich text editing. 

Froala Editor provides convenient methods like HTML.get and HTML.set to facilitate these operations seamlessly. 

Whether building a simple blogging platform or a sophisticated collaborative tool, mastering these manipulation techniques will empower you to create engaging web applications.

With the ability to effortlessly retrieve and set content in Froala Editor, you can unlock a world of possibilities for your web projects. 

So go ahead, explore these features, and unleash the full potential of your applications. 


If you have more questions about topics like that, email us at [email protected]. We can write a blog post on the Froala blog with the answer to your question. Happing editing. 

Top 10 Tools to Speed Up Your Web Apps


Web applications need to be fast and efficient. Internet users demand smooth experiences, so that slow-loading apps can lead to frustration.  Every developer knows firsthand that the speed of their applications is a critical factor in the work they have to do.  But most professionals also know they don’t need to re-adjust the wheel for each new project. A range of tools are at their disposal to optimize their web applications. This article will explore ten top tools (like Filestack, TestRail, and UltraFinder) to speed up your web apps.

Some of the tools are paid, and others are available for free. The use of paid tools depends on the type of project they will be used for. The paid tools can save the developer and their team money by saving labor time. The journey toward optimizing web app speed involves a multi-approach. The developer must cover code efficiency, resource management, function testing, and project architecture. 

Developers can use minifiers and bundlers to streamline and compress their JavaScript code. These tools eliminate unnecessary code, resulting in improved responsiveness. Caching mechanisms are pivotal in speeding up web apps by storing frequently accessed data locally. Content Delivery Networks enable developers to distribute the content of their apps across multiple servers.

Asynchronous programming in JavaScript enables developers to make requests efficiently. This approach ensures that time-consuming operations do not bog down web apps. Performance monitoring tools offer insights into metrics, helping developers identify bottlenecks. Developers can fine-tune their apps for optimal speed by analyzing page load times.


Image compression tools assist developers in reducing file sizes without compromising quality. Progressive web apps have impacted web development by combining the best web and mobile applications. 

#1 – Filestack

 Javascript file uploader for uploading, delivering, and transforming files on apps.

Pro: This tool allows developers to manage files while maintaining high performance. Filestack accelerates web app development, allowing professionals to focus on optimizing other aspects of their application.

#2 – TestRail

Centralized testing tool for scalable quality process.

Pro: It is a valuable tool to enhance the testing process. Efficient testing is crucial for performance bottlenecks before they reach the end-users. TestRail helps streamline test case management.

#3 – UltraFinder

Search utility to find any file, word, text string, pattern, and duplicate files.

Pro: Advanced search capabilities enable developers to quickly locate files and code snippets. UltraFinder is a file search and management tool that aids developers in enhancing overall application speed.

#4 – Webpack

Module bundler for JavaScript applications.

Pro: Bundles and minifies JavaScript, CSS, and HTML, optimizing the loading speed.

#5 – UglifyJS

JavaScript minification code tool.

Pro: Minifies code, reducing file sizes and improving page load times.

#6 – Babel

Compiler for modern ECMAScript versions.

Pro: Transpiles modern JavaScript code into a compatible version for broader browser support.

#7 – Axios

Promise-based HTTP client for the browser and Node.js.

Pro: Handles asynchronous HTTP requests, contributing to a faster experience.

#8 – Lodash

Utility library delivering functions for everyday programming tasks.

Pro: It optimizes code efficiency and performance through its modular structure.

#9: Lighthouse

Is a web performance and SEO auditing tool.

Pro: Analyzes web app performance, providing insights into areas for improvement.

#10: Service Workers

Scriptable network proxy in the web browser.

Foco: Supports background sync and caching, improving offline functionality and overall performance.

Save Time While Editing: Using Froala’s Quick Insert Plugin

Do the repetitive jobs that come with making content ever get to you? Spending minutes looking for the right menu or carefully arranging elements can waste time. In today’s digital world, speed is very important. This is where the Quick Insert feature from Froala comes in and changes everything.

Utilizing this effective extension for the Froala WYSIWYG editor can significantly increase your productivity and enhance the editing process. Every time you begin a new line, it presents an easily accessible menu.

You can easily add widely used elements to your content with just a few clicks, so you don’t have to deal with complicated code or time-consuming menu navigation. The Quick Insert plugin makes adding images, videos, tables, and links to your content easier. This lets you focus on writing great content and making deadlines without problems.

What is the Quick Insert Plugin for Froala?

The Quick Insert plugin for Froala is a useful add-on for the WYSIWYG editor that makes it easy to add common elements to your text. Images, videos, tables, links, and others can be among these elements. Quick Insert toolbar pops up whenever you move the mouse to a new line. This makes it simple to add these things without using complicated code or going through settings.

Benefits of Using Froala’s Quick Insert Plugin

The Quick Insert plugin from Froala isn’t just a convenience; it’s also a smart tool that makes making content much faster and easier. Here are some of the perks it provides:

Turbocharged Efficiency

Gone are the days of hunting through menus or memorizing complex code. Quick Insert delivers one-click access to frequently used elements. Need an image? Click the image button, upload or paste the URL, and it’s seamlessly integrated. This eliminates wasted time searching and translates to significant time savings, especially when dealing with content rich in visuals and multimedia.


Precision Formatting, Every Time

Formatting consistency can be a silent struggle. Manual formatting can lead to inconsistencies, requiring additional proofreading and editing. Quick Insert takes the guesswork out of the equation. Elements inserted through the plugin automatically adhere to Froala’s pre-defined styles. This ensures a uniform and polished look across your entire content, saving you the hassle of manual adjustments.

The Consistency Champion

Maintaining a consistent visual style across your content builds brand recognition and professionalism. Quick Insert becomes your secret weapon in achieving this consistency.

A standardized way to insert elements ensures that all images, videos, tables, and links follow the same formatting guidelines. This creates a cohesive and visually appealing user experience for your readers or viewers.

Error Eradicator

Typos and formatting mistakes can be frustrating setbacks. Quick Insert minimizes this risk by eliminating the need for manual code manipulation. Inserting elements through the plugin reduces the chance of human error, leading to cleaner content and a smoother editing process.

Collaboration Made Easy

Working on content creation projects with a team? Quick Insert fosters a streamlined, collaborative environment. Everyone involved in the project can access the same elements through the standardized Quick Insert toolbar. This ensures consistency in formatting and eliminates confusion around element insertion, promoting seamless collaboration and faster project completion.

The Quick Insert Plugin for Froala: How to Use It

It’s easy to use Froala’s Quick Insert plugin. How to do it:

  1. Press the tab[Enter] key to start a new line. The Quick Insert menu will show up on its own.
    2. Select the part you want to add and click its button. This could be a picture, movie, table, link, or something else.
    3. Further details may be required, depending on the selected component. For example, when adding an image, you must upload it from your computer or provide its URL.
    4. Please press the “Insert” key. The element is going to be added to your text.


Examples of How to Use Froala’s Quick Insert Plugin

The following instances illustrate how the Quick Insert module from Froala can be utilized to enhance the editing workflow and save time:

  • Inserting Images: When composing a blog post containing numerous images, one may utilize the Quick Insert plugin to efficiently incorporate the images into the content. This is significantly quicker than uploading and formatting the images manually.
  • Inserting Videos: The Quick Insert plugin can also insert videos into your content. This is a great way to add multimedia elements to your content and make it more engaging for your readers.
  • Inserting Tables: The Quick Insert plugin can create tables in your content. This is useful for presenting data or information clearly and concisely.
  • Inserting Links: The Quick Insert plugin can insert links into your content. This is a great way to link to other resources or websites.

How Can You Integrate Froala’s Quick Insert Plugin Into Your Web Page?

The Quick Insert plugin is activated in the code below, and the buttons for links, tables, videos, and photos are set to show up on the toolbar. You can customize the configuration further to suit your needs.


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <title>Quick Insert Plugin Example</title>
    <!-- Link to Froala Editor CSS -->
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="[email protected]/css/froala_editor.pkgd.min.css">
    <!-- Link to Froala Editor JS -->
    <script src="[email protected]/js/froala_editor.pkgd.min.js"></script>
    <!-- Froala Editor Quick Insert Plugin JS -->
    <script src="[email protected]/js/plugins/quick_insert.min.js"></script>
    <!-- Editor Container -->
    <textarea id="editor"></textarea>

        // Initialize Froala Editor
        new FroalaEditor('#editor', {
            // Add Quick Insert plugin to the editor
            quickInsertEnabled: true,
            // Define Quick Insert buttons
            quickInsertButtons: ['image', 'video', 'table', 'link']



In this code:

  • We include the Froala Editor CSS and JS files from CDN.
  • We create a textarea element with the ID editor, which will be converted into the Froala Editor.
  • We include the Quick Insert Plugin JS file.
  • We initialize the Froala Editor on the #editor textarea with the quickInsert button enabled and other necessary buttons like insertImage, insertVideo, insertTable, and insertLink. We also specify which buttons should appear in the Quick Insert toolbar.

You can include this code snippet in your website or web application to enable the Quick Insert feature provided by Froala Editor. Adjustments may be needed based on your specific setup and requirements.

Here is the output:


The Quick Insert plugin from Froala is an advantageous tool that facilitates time efficiency and enhances editing. With a few simple taps, you can incorporate frequently used elements into your content using the plugin. This can assist you in producing content of superior quality with greater speed and efficiency.

Implementing the Disable Right Click in Froala for React Apps

Disable Right Click Thumbnail

In certain websites, there is a need to prevent users from executing specific actions like copying, pasting, or inspecting HTML code within the editor interface. 

Turning off the right-click functionality serves as an effective measure to deter such behaviors. 

It enables the implementation of custom context menus tailored to the application’s requirements, overriding the default browser menu.

Froala html rich text editor offers a solution to accomplish this task. Its disableRightClick, setting it to true, ensures that whenever users attempt a right-click within the editor.  No contextual menu will be displayed, thereby maintaining control over the user interactions within the editing environment. The Froala WYSIWYG Editor is a tool for creating rich text content in web applications.   In this article, we’ll explore how to implement the Disable Right Click option within the Froala Editor in a React project.


Setting Up the Project

First, set up a basic React project and install the necessary dependencies. We’ll use create-react-app to create our project:



npx create-react-app froala-right-click

cd froala-right-click



Now, install the react-froala-wysiwyg package, which provides the Froala Editor component for React:



npm install react-froala-wysiwyg --save



Now that our project is set up, let’s create a component to integrate the Froala Editor with the Disable Right Click option. 


Create a file named EditorComponent.js in the src directory with the following content:



import React from 'react';

import FroalaEditorComponent from 'react-froala-wysiwyg';

import 'froala-editor/css/froala_style.min.css';

import 'froala-editor/css/froala_editor.pkgd.min.css';

import 'froala-editor/js/plugins.pkgd.min.js';

function EditorComponent() {

  let model = '<p><a href="">Froala WYSIWYG Editor</a></p>';

  return (

    <div id="froala-editor">






          disableRightClick: true






export default EditorComponent;



Integrating the Editor Component

Now, let’s integrate the EditorComponent into our App.js file:



import React from 'react';

import './App.css';

import EditorComponent from './EditorComponent';

function App() {

  return (

    <div className="App">

      <EditorComponent />




export default App;




If you run your React application using npm start, you should see the Froala Editor rendered with the Disable Right Click option enabled. 

Try right-clicking within the editor area, and you’ll notice that the context menu doesn’t appear, thus confirming that the right-click functionality has been disabled.

This feature can benefit various use cases, such as protecting content or restricting certain functionalities within the editor. 

Using the code in this article, you can easily integrate this feature into your React applications using the Froala component.


Best Practices for Text to HTML Editors: Prioritizing Code Quality

Learn to Convert Plain Text to HTML Easily with Froala

Developing engaging content is merely a portion of the challenge in web development. Your message comes to life by delivering that information impactfully on a webpage. However, numerous experts face challenges when transitioning from plain text to HTML with text to html editors.

This guide functions as a directional tool, systematically describing a direct strategy for accomplishing this conversion procedure.

Acquiring a comprehensive understanding of HTML will enable you to utilize a text to HTML editor effectively, converting your written compositions into interactive and visually captivating web content. This transformation allows your content to seamlessly connect with your intended audience, effectively enhancing engagement and retention.

Understanding Plain Text and HTML

Let’s start by learning about the building blocks. Plain text is any unformatted text document. It’s essentially the same as a simple notepad file: pure text with no additional formatting or graphic components. Plain text is fantastic for raw content but cannot define a webpage’s organization, design, or interactivity.

HTML is the foundation for webpages, offering a set of instructions browsers utilize to interpret and display content.  These components instruct the web browser on presenting the content, including formatting such as headings, paragraphs, and bolded text.

Headings are denoted by h1>, paragraphs by p>, and bold text by b>, all typical foundational elements. Utilizing these identifiers enables one to delineate the fundamental arrangement and structure of the content on a webpage.

Why Use a WYSIWYG Editor?

While HTML provides exact control, manual coding can be time-consuming and difficult, particularly for inexperienced people.  Consider crafting lengthy chapters full of arcane tags only to achieve basic formatting. In such situations, WYSIWYG editors emerge as transformative tools.

The intuitive interface of WYSIWYG editors serves as an intermediary between plain text and HTML. An alternative approach to code entry involves using tools, menus, and icons to represent the intended layout visually. Do you need to bold a sentence? Click the “bold” button.

Want to make a bulleted list? Use the list-creation tool.  This eliminates the need to memorize or manually write code, simplifying content development.

Learn to Convert Plain Text to HTML Easily with Froala

Getting Started with Froala

Froala is a strong text to HTML Editor. Froala integrates seamlessly into your web project. Typically, you will include the Froala JavaScript library on your web pages.  This library includes all of the functionality required for the editor to function. 

Alternatively, Froala provides plugins for major frameworks such as WordPress and React, allowing for smooth integration with existing workflows. 

Once set up, Froala gives a toolbar with straightforward buttons and choices, allowing you to format text, add images, and structure your material without writing a single line of code.

HTML offers full control over web page structure and functionality. But, there are obvious benefits to using a text-to-HTML editor like Froala:

Markdown Plugin

Froala has a powerful Markdown plugin, which expands the possibility of authoring your content. Markdown is a simple markup language that employs plain text characters to determine formatting. This enables you to compose text familiarly while maintaining a rich page layout.

Simplified Creation

Froala Text-to-HTML editor has a simple interface. It has familiar formatting options like you are using MS Word or Google Docs. It is easier for non-coders or those new to HTML to create web content.

Froala Markdown


<h2 id=“ftoc-real-time-online-html-editor” class=“ftwp-heading”>Realtime online HTML editor</h2><p>Create and edit ca
href=“” rel=“nofollow” target=“blank” title=“W3C HTML validator”>W3C valid HTML code</a> without writing a single line of code. The WYSIWYG editor on the left helps non- developers write their own <em>high-quality HTML code.</em></p>

Increased Efficiency

Froala increases efficiency. It automates repetitive tasks, such as code generation and formatting. This lets you focus on creating content and reduces development time.

Froala Markdown2

<h2 id=“ftoc-real-time online-html-editor” class=“ftwp-heading” style=“text-align: center; “>
  Time is Money, <u>And We Are Saving it for You.</u>

Visual Representation

The WYSIWYG interface provides a real-time preview of your HTML code. It shows you how your content will appear as you work.

Froala Markdown3

<h1 dir=“ltr” style=“line-height: 2.1;margin-top:12pt;margin-bottom: 12pt;”>
  Visual Representation
<p dir=“ltr” style=“line height:2.1;margin-top:12pt;margin-bottom: 12pt;” id=“isPasted”>
  See Your Code is Alway (Right) There.

Rich Content Capabilities

Froala text-to-HTML editor often offers features beyond basic formatting. It allows you to add images, tables, and other multimedia elements easily and convert them into Pure HTML Code.

Froala Markdown4


<h2 id=“ftoc-real-time-online-html-editor” class=“ftwp-heading”>Real- time online HTML editor</h2>
<p>Create and edit <a href=“” rel=“nofollow” target=“blank” title=“W3C HTML validator”>W3C valid HTML code</a> without writing a single line of code. The WYSIWYG editor on the left helps non- developers write their own <em>high-quality HTML code</em>
<p align=“center”>
  <img src=“ content/uploads/2021/11/agefis-v1108b04XTe-unsplash-scaled.jpg” alt=“Editor photo” class=“fr-fic fr-dii” width=“300”>
<h3 id=“ftoc- know-some-code” class=“ftup-heading”>Know some code? <span class=“fr- emoticon fr-deletable fr-emoticon-img” style=“background: url( f600.svg);”>&nbsp;</span>
<p>The editing works both ways, with live visual feedback. Write some markup code on the right, which will appear in the left editor.</p>

Exploring the Power of Froala’s Markdown Plugin


While Froala excels at text formatting, it can go even further with the strong Markdown plugin. This add-on enables a more simplified approach to article generation using Markdown, a lightweight formatting language known for its simplicity and efficiency.

Markdown made simple: Write and preview simultaneously


Froala’s Markdown plugin adds a user-friendly split-screen view. As you write in Markdown syntax (basic text characters with specified functionalities), the prepared content will appear on the other side in real time. 


This visual feedback allows you to create and see your content simultaneously, ensuring it looks exactly as you planned.

Rich Text Formatting is at your fingertips


The charm of Froala’s Markdown plugin resides in its extensive support for numerous formatting styles. You can use markdown syntax to create:


  • Headings: Organize your information into hierarchies using heading levels (H1, H2, etc.).
  • Emphasis: Highlight important points with bold, italic, or strikethrough formatting.
  • Lists: Present information rationally using ordered or unordered lists.
  • Code Blocks: Display code snippets with suitable formatting to improve readability.
  • Quotes: Use block quotes to highlight quotations or borrowed text.
  • Links and photos: Use Markdown syntax to integrate hyperlinks and photos into your writing seamlessly.
  • Tables: Organize complex data into well-structured and understandable tables.


The plugin includes extra features such as footnotes and task lists to meet various content development demands.

Mastering Text Formatting for Compelling Content

Although a fundamental framework is critical for every webpage, genuine interaction resides in engrossing content. Froala enables users to surpass basic skills and effectively format their texts to enhance readability and impact. Its fundamental capabilities can enhance your content as follows:

  • Font Styling: Select from various fonts and modify their dimensions, hue, and weight to establish an aesthetically pleasing design.
  • Aligning Text: To attain the intended layout on a webpage, align the text to the left, right, center, or justify position.
  • Indentation and Line Spacing: Control indentation and line spacing for improved readability, especially for lengthy text sections.
  • Hyperlinks: Effortlessly create hyperlinks by selecting text and specifying the target URL. Froala streamlines the process, removing the need for manual HTML code insertion.
  • Line Breaks and Paragraphs: Insert line breaks and create new paragraphs with a single click, ensuring proper content structure and organization.

Froala Markdown5

Bottom Line

Froala is a powerful text to HTML editor. It lets you easily convert plain text into visually appealing and compelling HTML content. Its essential capabilities create a solid foundation for text formatting, while the Markdown plugin opens up a world of efficient content development. 

Whether you prefer a WYSIWYG approach or the simplicity of Markdown, Froala has you covered, making the shift from plain text to rich online content a seamless and fast procedure. 




Simplify Web Development: Choosing a Linux WYSIWYG HTML Editor

Simplify Web Development Choosing a Linux WYSIWYG HTML Editor.

The never-ending quest for the perfect WYSIWYG editor on Linux! As a developer, I’ve battled with countless options, each promising a seamless editing experience across platforms. But let’s face it, ensuring consistent rendering and functionality across Windows, Mac, and Linux can feel like wrangling a herd of pixies.  


My quest brought me across Froala, a Linux WYSIWYG HTML editor. In this article, I’ll share my experience using Froala, examining its features and delving into a few code snippets to show how it approaches the problem of cross-platform editing. I will additionally provide you with the necessary expertise to select the Linux WYSIWYG editors that best meet your requirements.

Features to Consider When Evaluating Cross-Platform WYSIWYG Editors on Linux

 Simplify Web Development Choosing a Linux WYSIWYG HTML Editor.

Consider the following essential features when selecting the optimal Linux WYSIWYG HTML editor. It will impact your editing and output.

1. Clean Code Generation

WYSIWYG editors may produce bloated or structured code. This code can harm website performance and search engine optimization. Choosing a Linux WYSIWYG HTML editor that prioritizes clean code generation is critical. 


This means the editor should create semantic HTML that is well-formatted, easy to comprehend, and follows web standards. Clean code adds to faster page loading times, increased accessibility, and improved crawlability for search engines, leading to better SEO performance.

2. Intuitive User Interface

A WYSIWYG editor’s learning curve has a substantial impact on its usefulness. Choose an editor with a clear and straightforward interface that is simple to use and comprehend, especially for those with less technical knowledge. This encourages a smoother learning experience and allows users to focus on website content rather than struggling with sophisticated editing tools.

3. Customization Options

The flexibility to customize the editing experience can dramatically boost workflow productivity. Look for editors that provide a variety of customization choices, such as the ability to add, remove, or rearrange toolbar icons to display frequently used functionality for quick access. 

4. Support for Modern Web Standards (HTML 5, CSS3)

Today’s online development requires compatibility with cutting-edge web standards. These include HTML5 and CSS3.


Choose an editor that allows you to include modern online features such as multimedia components, complex layouts, and interactive functionality in your website. 


This ensures your website is compatible with current browser technology and provides a consistent user experience.

User Experience: A Seamless Editing Workflow

The user experience of a WYSIWYG editor is important. UX includes how easy it is to learn and how well it works with other programs.

1. How Quickly You Can Learn

The editor should ideally have a gentle learning curve that lets people quickly grasp how it works and get work done. For people who are new to web programming, this is especially important. When looking for editors, consider these:


  • Easy-to-use interface: Learning rapidly is facilitated by an intuitive interface that has logical tool placement and clear labelling. 
  • Engaging tutorials: Users can become more proficient at using the editor’s features and functionalities faster if there are built-in tutorials or readily available internet resources.  
  • Comprehensive documentation: Documentation that is easy to use and includes clear explanations and step-by-step guides gives users the power to discover the editor’s full potential.

2. Smooth Workflow

It should be easy to use a WYSIWYG editor so users can focus on making content instead of being slowed down by complicated changing steps. Things you should look for are:


  • Simplify common tasks: Features like drag-and-drop for adding elements, code completion for faster and more accurate writing, and the ability to see changes in real time can make updating much more efficient. 
  • Minimize distractions: A clean interface with no visible clutter can help users stay focused without getting distracted while editing. 
  • Smooth integration: Compatible with other development tools, like picture editing software or version control systems, can make the development process even more streamlined and speed up.


You can be sure that the WYSIWYG HTML editor you choose will help you make and manage website content well on your Linux system by focusing on ease of learning and working. 

Froala: Empowering Rich Text Editing Across Applications

Don’t just limit Froala to web development – it’s way more versatile than that. Its true strength lies in its ability to enhance various applications, such as email clients and comment sections. Whether it’s composing emails or leaving feedback on a website, Froala’s intuitive user interface and vast plugin library make it the ideal choice. 


Imagine you’re designing an email platform or a social media site with comment sections. Froala steps in seamlessly, offering users a smooth and intuitive text input experience. Its extensive plugin ecosystem allows for customization, enabling developers to tailor the editor to specific needs effortlessly.


Here’s a simple example of how you can integrate Froala into a comment section to elevate user interaction and engagement. Just create a new file name it as ’index.html’ and paste the following code into it.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
  <meta charset="UTF-8">
  <title>Comment Section with Froala</title>
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
  <div id="comment-editor"></div>
  <script src=""></script>
    new FroalaEditor('#comment-editor', {
      toolbarButtons: ['bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'insertLink'],
      placeholderText: 'Enter your comment here...'

Open the file in your browser and view the output.

Choosing the Right Cross-Platform WYSIWYG Editors for Linux: A Developer’s Tale with Froala

Now write some text into it and you will experience the dynamic changes in the ‘Words’ and ‘Characters’ count as shown below.

Choosing the Right Cross-Platform WYSIWYG Editors for Linux: A Developer’s Tale with Froala

This example snippet perfectly illustrates how easy it is to integrate Froala into a web app. It seamlessly enhances the comment section interface, giving users a more interactive and enjoyable text editing experience right where they’re leaving their comments.

Why is Froala the Essential Editor for Linux and Beyond?

Froala is an icon in accessibility, security, and innovation among Linux WYSIWYG HTML editors. It is a top option for developers because of its dedication to the principles that the Linux community holds dear, including inclusion, flexibility, and openness.

For those of us working on web development in Linux, Froala is more than just a tool; it’s a trusted partner. It supports our mission to create web content that’s accessible, secure, and visually appealing, showcasing what modern web tools should strive to be.

I am excited and full of confidence for my upcoming projects since I know that Froala will be there to assist me in realizing my digital visions. Froala is the ideal choice for developers looking for an HTML editor that comprehends the challenges of cross-platform programming, puts accessibility first, and upholds the highest level of security.

Froala WYSIWYG HTML Code Generation vs Older WYSIWYG Editors

As developers, we manage projects that must function flawlessly across all platforms and browsers. This means we need tools that can handle this diversity well. Froala is one such tool that stands out. It is compatible with several operating systems and web browsers, including Edge, Firefox, and Chrome. This implies that my material always appears the same wherever it is viewed.

A Simple Code Snippet 

Froala has some cool features such as it produces clean, easy-to-understand HTML code. This is a big deal because I’ve had to deal with messy HTML from other editors before, and it’s a pain. Froala’s way of doing things is like a breath of fresh air compared to that mess. Let me show you how different it can be:

  • Froala’s Output:

<p>Hello, <strong>world!</strong></p>
  • Microsoft FrontPage (Older) WYSIWYG Editor’s Output:

<div align="left" style="font-size:12pt; color:black; font-family: 'Arial';">
    <b><font face="Arial" size="4">Hello, <i>world!</i></font></b>

The difference is clear – Froala’s output is not only cleaner but also more semantic, making it ideal for both accessibility and maintenance.


By prioritizing features like clean code generation, intuitive interface, and support for modern web standards, you can ensure a productive and efficient web development experience. Remember, the ideal editor empowers you to create visually appealing websites. It also offers flexibility and functionalities that align with your specific needs and skill levels. 

Froala’s commitment to clean code generation, user-friendliness, and a wealth of unique features positions it as a compelling choice for Linux users seeking a powerful, versatile, and user-friendly Linux WYSIWYG HTML editor for their web development needs.


Froala & Quasar Integration: Mastering the Best WYSIWYG HTML Editor

Integrating Froala with Quasar

Froala 4.1 release has been a significant step in the history of the developer-friendly best WYSIWYG HTML Editor. It is the release where Froala supports React 18, Angular 15+ with Ivy Engine, and Vue 3. This allows developers to easily integrate Froala into applications using these technologies. For example, Froala can now straightforwardly integrate with Quasar framework V2 which utilizes Vue 3.

In this technical guide, we will explore integrating the powerful Froala as the best WYSIWYG html editor with the Quasar Framework. By leveraging the capabilities of both tools, developers can create rich text editing experiences that meet the needs of modern web development. This guide is designed to be beginner-friendly and will walk you through the process step by step.

What is the Quasar framework?

Quasar framework is an MIT-licensed open-source Vue.js-based framework, which allows you as a web developer to create responsive websites and applications in many flavors quickly:

  • SPAs (Single Page App)
  • SSR (Server-side Rendered App) (+ optional PWA client takeover)
  • PWAs (Progressive Web App)
  • BEX (Browser Extension)
  • Mobile Apps (Android, iOS, …) through Cordova or Capacitor
  • Multi-platform Desktop Apps (using Electron)


We assume you have a working knowledge of:

  • JavaScript (including some of the newer, ES2015 features)
  • Vue 3
  • How to use the terminal/command line
  • Make sure that you have Node >=14 (or any newer LTS Node.js version) and NPM >=6.14.12 installed on your machine.

Quasar framework integration

Step 1: Setting Up Quasar Project

Open your terminal, navigate to the location where you want to create your project and run the following command:

npm init quasar

you’ll be prompted with some options. Depending on your needs, you can select the CLI type (Vite or Webpack) and you can add things like TypeScript support or a different CSS preprocessor. If you are unsure about any of the options, just take the defaults (hit enter) and you’ll be good to go. You can change the options, except for the CLI type, later if you wish.

Here are our selections:

install Quasar Framework

And we agreed to install project dependencies using NPM.

NPM install

When we were prompted to enter the project name, we entered “my-project“.

Navigate to the project directory

cd my-project

Step 2: Installing Vue WYSIWYG editor

Following the Froala Vue SDK docs, install Froala’s Vue WYSIWYG editor by running the following command:

npm install vue-froala-wysiwyg --save

 Step 3: Integrating Froala Editor

3.1: Import Froala Vue component

As per the Froala document, we need to inject the Froala component before the root Vue app instance is instantiated.

Since you won’t have access to any /main.js file in the Quasar framework (so that Quasar CLI can seamlessly initialize and build the same codebase for SPA/PWA/SSR/Cordova/Electron), Quasar provides an elegant solution to that problem by allowing users to define so-called boot files.

By using Quasar Boot files, you can easily set up and configure the Froala Editor Vue component to be available globally in your Quasar application.

To import the Froala Editor Vue component using Quasar Boot files, you can create a boot file (e.g. froala-editor.js) in the src/boot/ directory of your Quasar project. In this boot file, you can import and configure the Froala Editor Vue component, and then use app.use() to make it available globally.

Here’s an example of how you can set up the best wysiwyg html Editor Vue component in a Quasar Boot file:

//Import Froala Editor plugins
import 'froala-editor/js/plugins.pkgd.min.js';

// Import Froala Editor css files.
import 'froala-editor/css/froala_editor.pkgd.min.css';
import 'froala-editor/css/froala_style.min.css';

// Import Froala Editor component
import VueFroala from 'vue-froala-wysiwyg';

export default async ({ app }) => {
  // Use Froala Editor Vue component

After creating the boot file, you need to register it in the quasar.config.js file under the boot property to ensure that it is loaded when your Quasar application starts:

boot: [



By following this approach, you can easily import the Froala Editor Vue component using Quasar Boot files in your Quasar application.

3.2 Configure and Initializing the Froala Editor

Ideally, you may need to define a route for a subpage where you’ll display the Froala editor but for our basic tutorial, we will edit the main page to display the Froala editor directly.

Open src/pages/IndexPage.vue, and somewhere inside the <template> tag call the Froala component.

  <q-page class="flex flex-center">
    <froala id="edit" :tag="'textarea'" :config="config" v-model:value="model"></froala>

Inside the <script> tag defines the config and model variables where you can pass the editor options and the initialization content.

import { defineComponent } from 'vue'

export default defineComponent({
  name: 'IndexPage',
  data () {

    return {

      config: {

        heightMin: 300,

        events: {

          initialized: function () {





      model: '<i>Edit Your Content Here!</i>'



Step 4: Run the project

After the integration is complete, it’s time to run your project to see the editor in action.

To start your local development server and see your application, run the following command in your terminal:

npx quasar dev

This command will start the development server and open the default browser at http://localhost:9000/

Froala runing inside Quasar

You can always stop the server by using the CTRL + C command.

Customizing Your Froala’s Vue WYSIWYG editor

You can learn about the Vue Froala component tags and how to customize the editor from the Vue SDK docs and the following articles:

If you encounter any issues, comment below and I’ll be glad to help.


Integrating Froala Editor with the Quasar Framework can enhance the editing capabilities of your web application. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can easily incorporate a feature-rich WYSIWYG editor into your project. Experiment with different customization options to tailor the editor to your specific needs and create a seamless editing experience for your users.

Download Froala Editor

Enhance Your Editing with Froala 4.2: Word Count and MS Word Pasting Improvements

Froala Word Count Feature

We are super excited to announce the release of Froala 4.2, which introduces the new Word Counter. This feature was highly requested by our users and we are thrilled to finally bring it to you.

In addition to adding the Word Count plugin, we’ve made several other improvements to our powerful text editor. We believe this new addition will greatly enhance your editing experience with Froala.

New Features

  • Introduce the word count feature.
  • Support the new Safari 17 Range API.


  • Enhance the pasting of content from MS Word.

Let’s dig deeper into the Froala 4.2 release!

Fraola 4.2 release - Word Count Plugin

Word Counter Plugin

The Word Count plugin lets you easily track the number of words in your content, providing valuable insights into your text’s length. This simple yet powerful tool helps you optimize your writing and ensures your content meets certain word count requirements.

The Word Count feature is beneficial for bloggers, content creators, and writers alike. It allows them to meet their SEO requirements, evaluate their progress with written pieces, and set targets for future writing sessions.

However, Froala already has a character count feature. Adding the word count feature provides another layer of information and flexibility. Knowing the exact number of words in your content lets you make more informed decisions about editing, formatting, and optimizing your text.

WordCount Plugin

Word Count Plugin API

The Word Count plugin comes with powerful API options, events, and methods, allowing you to seamlessly customize and integrate the plugin into your existing workflows.

Word Counter Plugin API Options

The plugin offers two options:

  • wordCounterCount to turn the word count display on or off, according to your preference.
  • wordCounterMax limits the number of words in the editor.
new FroalaEditor('.selector', {

     wordCounterCount: true,

     wordCounterMax: 1200


Word Counter Plugin API Events

The plugin provides two API events:

  • wordCounter.exceeded is triggered when the wordCounterMax is exceeded.
  • wordCounter.update is triggered when the word count is updated.
new FroalaEditor('.selector', {

  events: {

    'wordCounter.update': function () {

      // Do something every time the word count is updated.

      // this is the editor instance.



    'wordCounter.exceeded': function () {

      // Do something after the wordCounterMax is exceeded. 

      // this is the editor instance.





Word Counter Plugin API methods

The plugin added the wordCounter.wordCount API method to return the word count in the editor.

var editor = new FroalaEditor('.selector', {}, function () {

     // Call the method 

     let words = editor.wordCounter.wordCount();


Word Counter is a handy feature that adds another layer of functionality to the Froala text editor. Its API options, events, and methods give you full control over the Word Count plugin and allow you to customize it according to your needs.

Support the new Safari 17 Range API

Safari 17 comes with improved interoperability for the Range API and Selection API. These APIs play a crucial role in interacting with selected content and manipulating the text range in the Safari browser. In this release, Froala added support for the new Safari Range API and Selection API, providing a seamless editing experience for Safari users.

We’re committed to providing the best for all our users, regardless of their chosen browser. Froala continues to deliver a powerful and reliable text editing solution to Safari users by supporting the new Safari 17 Range API and Selection API.

Enhanced Pasting Content from MS Word

MS Word documents contain rich formatting such as bold, italics, font styles, and bullet points. When you paste content from MS Word into the editor, it is crucial to preserve this formatting to ensure the content appears as intended.

In the Froala 4.2 release, we made significant improvements to the way content is pasted from MS Word, especially when it comes to pasting lists. These enhancements ensure that the formatting of the pasted lists is retained, allowing you to seamlessly transfer your content from MS Word to the Froala editor without any loss of list styling, alignment, or structure. Whether you’re pasting ordered, unordered, or nested lists, the pasted content will match the original content from MS Word.

We didn’t just improve the pasting of lists; we also enhanced the functionality to correctly display the icons from the Word document. This means the Froala editor will accurately reproduce any pasted icons.

We have also improved pasting tables to ensure they appear correctly in the Froala editor. We have resolved issues with adding columns and changing cell text colors in pasted tables, making editing the pasted tables more seamless and efficient.

By preserving the formatting while pasting content from MS Word, you can save valuable time and effort that would otherwise be spent reapplying styles and formatting manually. With Froala 4.2, you can confidently transfer your content from MS Word to the editor, knowing that it will preserve your content formatting.

How Can I Update?

Don’t miss out on the benefits of the latest Froala 4.2 release. Update today and experience the enhanced editing features and improvements.

If you are using a plain JavaScript library or other framework, check the get started page to know the proper way of downloading the latest Froala Editor release and how to include it in your project based on your preferred method.

If you are using a plain JavaScript library or other framework, follow the table below to learn how to download the latest Froala Editor release and how to include it in your project based on your preferred method.

Method How to download Include in your project
<!-- Include Editor stylesheet-->
<link href="[email protected]/css/froala_editor.pkgd.min.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

<!-- Include Editor JavaScript file-->
<script type="text/javascript" src="[email protected]/js/froala_editor.pkgd.min.js"></script>
CDN (Always the latest version)
<!-- Include Editor stylesheet-->
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

<!-- Include Editor JavaScript file-->
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
npm install froala-editor

Replace the {download-folder-path} in the following example with the path to the folder containing the stylesheet file e.g.



<link href="{download-folder-path}/froala_editor.pkgd.min.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />


Replace the {download-folder-path} with the path to the folder containing the JS file e.g.



<script type="text/javascript" src="{download-folder-path}/froala_editor.pkgd.min.js"></script>
bower install froala-wysiwyg-editor
NO Package Manager Download Froala WYSIWYG Editor files using the download form here.
Integrated with a Framework Select your preferred framework from 17 different popular frameworks.
Other options Check here for other options to use Froala WYSIWYG Editor in your project.

For Froala Editor Version 2 Users:

Follow this migration guide to get step-by-step instructions on how to upgrade from version 2.

Try The Latest Froala Editor

Explore a variety of examples that demonstrate the functionality of the Froala HTML Editor.

Support and Feedback

We are dedicated to always offering the best possible experience for all our users. We believe this release, meant to enhance Typescript support, is a stepping stone towards that commitment. We encourage you to try this improved Typescript support and give us your valuable feedback. Your input is crucial for delivering continuous enhancement in meeting your evolving needs. Thank you for being a valuable part of our vibrant and growing community.
We would like to hear what you think of the latest release! Join us on our GitHub Community to chat with our product manager, developers, and other members of the Froala team.

Change Log

Get Started

  • You can download and start using Froala in less than five minutes following our get started guide.

Technical Questions

The Enduring Challenge of HTML to WYSIWYG: Why Perfect Conversion is Elusive

The fundamental language of online pages, HTML, and WYSIWYG editors have been at odds for decades, leaving web workers confused. These intuitive interfaces empower individuals without technical expertise to generate and modify web content.

While WYSIWYG editors appear to be a simple solution for content generation, precise conversion from visual editor to underlying HTML code remains tricky.

The article digs into the inherent complications that prevent HTML to WYSIWYG conversion. It analyzes why the problem remains despite breakthroughs in current techniques and provides a solution.

The Inherent Complexity of Conversion

The challenge is at the heart of the difference. It’s between the nature of HTML and the expectations of WYSIWYG editing. HTML is a markup language. It gives structure and meaning to content. It does not define its visual appearance.

This flexibility empowers developers to make complex layouts and features. But it adds a layer of abstraction between the code and the final presentation.

On the other hand, WYSIWYG editors strive to have a user-friendly interface. It aims to mimic the visual outcome of the underlying code. Users expect to see their edits reflected in the editor. This makes for a more intuitive editing experience.

But, doing this often requires making HTML that looks great but does not follow best practices or clear rules.


HTML to WYSWIYG Thumbnail

Factors Contributing to this Inherent Complexity

The task seems straightforward. The task involves converting content from HTML to WYSIWYG and ensuring it is clean and semantic. However, this presents a complex challenge.

This complexity comes from the key differences between the two approaches. And from the need to balance many factors:

1. HTML’s Flexibility vs. Editing Restrictions

WYSIWYG editors simplify web design but often limit users to basic HTML elements like headings and paragraphs. Here is an overview with an example:

  • HTML’s power: HTML is a flexible language. It empowers programmers to make complex layouts and features. Users can still become overwhelmed by this flexibility in a WYSIWYG environment.
  • Limited user control: WYSIWYG editors often restrict the HTML elements and attributes users can directly manipulate to maintain a user-friendly interface and prevent security vulnerabilities. This limitation can hinder the achievable customization level compared to directly editing the code.
  • Impact on customization: This restriction can significantly limit the achievable customization level compared to directly editing the code. Users might be unable to achieve specific layouts or functionalities that require advanced HTML manipulation.


While a developer might use custom HTML classes and IDs for intricate styling, a WYSIWYG editor might not allow users to directly add them, restricting their ability to achieve the desired visual outcome.

2. Sanitization Needs

User-generated content must be sanitized by WYSIWYG editors to prevent security vulnerabilities. A brief overview accompanied by an example follows:

    • Protection towards malicious code: Sites vulnerable to cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks and other security issues can be prevented by the use of proper cleaning practices. The responsibility for removing or altering any dangerous features and components lies with WYSIWYG editors, who enable users to create material.
  • Balancing security and functionality: Overzealous sanitization can inadvertently remove valid HTML elements and attributes that were not intended to be malicious. This can alter the intended meaning or functionality of the content.
  • Finding the right balance: Striking a balance between robust sanitization and preserving valid content is delicate. Editors must employ sophisticated techniques to identify and remove malicious elements while minimizing unintended consequences.


A sanitizer might remove a valid script element containing legitimate JavaScript code, breaking its intended functionality.

3. Balancing Visual Accuracy and Semantic Markup

Ensuring visual accuracy while maintaining semantic HTML is crucial for accessibility and SEO. Here is an overview with an example:

  • Visual fidelity vs. semantic clarity: WYSIWYG editors strive to replicate the visual appearance of the content as users edit it. However, achieving this visual fidelity often comes at the cost of semantic clarity.
  • Over-reliance on inline styles: For specific visual effects, editors might generate HTML with excessive inline styles. While this achieves the desired visual outcome, it violates best practices and makes the code less maintainable and reusable.
  • Limited semantic awareness: Editors might not always understand the semantic meaning of manipulating content. This can lead to the generation of incorrect or misleading HTML structures.


An editor might use inline styles to bold text, resulting in <b> tags instead of the semantically correct <strong> tag, which conveys the importance of the text to search engines and assistive technologies.

Relevance in the Modern Era

Despite advancements in WYSIWYG editing tools, the problem of achieving perfect HTML to WYSIWYG conversion remains relevant for several reasons:

  • Evolving web standards: The web development landscape evolves. New standards and best practices emerge. WYSIWYG editors must adapt to these changes. They must do so to ensure the HTML they create meets current guidelines.
  • Content Management Systems (CMS): Many websites and applications use CMS. They rely on CMS platforms. The platforms have WYSIWYG editors. They use them to create and manage content. The editors must cater to diverse users. They have varying technical expertise. But, the code must still be clean and easy to maintain.
  • Accessibility concerns: Ensuring websites are accessible to users with disabilities requires generating HTML that adheres to accessibility guidelines. WYSIWYG editors must consider these guidelines during conversion to avoid introducing accessibility barriers.

Froala: Addressing the Challenge

Froala is a WYSIWYG editor. It attempts to address some of these complexities by offering features like: 

  • Advanced content cleanup: Froala uses many methods to clean up user-generated content. It removes unneeded elements and attributes. But, it keeps the intended structure and meaning.
  • Semantic element support: Froala supports many semantic HTML elements. They let users structure content without code.
  • Customizable toolbar: Users can customize the toolbar to hide or show specific parts. This balances user control with the need for clean code.

It’s important to acknowledge that perfect HTML to WYSIWYG conversion is hard. This is true in every scenario, even with such features. The specific use case, user expertise, and desired level of customization can all affect the outcome.


Converting HTML to WYSIWYG is a lasting challenge. It shows the web’s need for both flexibility and simplicity. Modern tools like Froala try to bridge the gap between design and code. However, achieving perfect conversion is still elusive.

The web is evolving. Developers must navigate the complexities of HTML and WYSIWYG editing with caution. They should use tools to make content creation easier. But, they must also acknowledge the challenges that persist.


How to Use the Froala Editor’s Disable Link Detection Option

disable link

A Froala user sent us a question about configuring the link detection.

The user says that whenever he types text in the Froala WYSIWYG HTML Editor, the text automatically becomes a link if it is recognized as one when pressing the enter key.

“For text in the body, it is okay, but for the text in the title, I don’t want any text to be transferred into linked text. How can we disable this thing?” the user asked.

In an editor, the “disable link detection” configuration typically refers to a setting that prevents the editor from automatically creating hyperlinks for URLs entered into the text.

This function can be convenient in many cases. However, there are situations where the user might not want this behavior.



The user can solve the problem by turning off the Froala URL plugin. The Froala documentation informs that this plugin has a function to “convert text to URL as you type.”

Plugin events: url.linked (link). Triggered after auto-linking a URL while typing.


The developer can use the pluginsEnabled option to turn off that plugin. 


There is no option just to mention the plugins you want to disable. If the plugin name is not in the pluginsEnabled, it is disabled. For example:


pluginsEnabled: [‘image’, ‘link’, ‘url’, ‘align’]

This code only enables image, link, URL, and align plugins. Other plugins will be disabled. 

Froala has numerous default plugins (listed below). It is possible to create new ones, too.


  • Align
  • Char Counter
  • Code Beautifier
  • Code View
  • Colors
  • Draggable
  • Embedly
  • Emoticons
  • Entities
  • Files Manager
  • File
  • Font Awesome
  • Font Family
  • Font Size
  • Fullscreen
  • Help
  • Image
  • Image Manager
  • Image Tui
  • Inline Class
  • Inline Style
  • Line Breaker
  • Line Height
  • Link
  • Lists
  • Markdown Support
  • Paragraph Format
  • Paragraph Style
  • Print
  • Quick Insert
  • Quote
  • Save
  • Special Characters
  • Spell Checker
  • Table
  • URL
  • Video
  • Word Paste

React Project

To show the complete answer to the question, let’s create a project in React integrated with the Froala editor to demonstrate the example.

npx create-react-app froala-disable-link

cd froala-disable-link

npm start

The developers need to install Froala WYSIWYG Editor. They can do this by running the following command in the project directory:


npm install react-froala-wysiwyg –save

This package provides a React wrapper for the Froala editor, making it easy to integrate into your React application.

Let’s create a simple React component that includes the Froala editor. Utilize the file App.js.


import './App.css';

import FroalaEditorComponent from "react-froala-wysiwyg";

import "froala-editor/css/froala_style.min.css";

import "froala-editor/css/froala_editor.pkgd.min.css";

import "froala-editor/js/plugins.pkgd.min.js";

function App() {

  let model = '<p></p>';
  return (
    <div id="froala-editor">

export default App;

In the config, write the following code of the pluginsEnable configuration. Let’s include the plugins image, link, URL, and align:


        pluginsEnabled: [‘image’,‘link’,‘url’,‘align’]


In this example, the link detection is working, as you can see in the gif below:

The Froala user, however, wants the opposite. He wants this behavior not to happen.

For the Froala editor to have this configuration, just remove the term “URL,” as in the code below.

          pluginsEnabled: ['image','link','align']

With the code change, when typing a word that looks like a link like “,” the editor does not automatically turn the word into a link. 

At the same time, the user can still place a link as the link plugin remains in the code.


Configuring the Froala Editor with an option like turning off link detection gives users control over link handling within the editor. 

Following the steps outlined in this guide, you can easily integrate Froala Editor into your project and tailor its behavior to suit your specific requirements. 

Whether you need to turn off automatic link detection or customize link behavior, Froala Editor offers comprehensive features to meet your needs.

If you have questions about Froala like this, you can contact us, and we can answer them here as a blog post on Froala’s blog: [email protected].


Count Every Character: The Best HTML Editor Software for Content Control

character counter

In web development, managing content length often plays a crucial role. This is especially important for applications that must follow specific character restrictions. Character count is also important for keeping to social media post restrictions. Maintaining control over character count is as important for those working with HTML editor software

Well-known WYSIWYG editors, such as Froala, luckily, include functions that simplify this task. By integrating Froala’s character counter into their Angular applications, developers can effortlessly guarantee that content remains within the character limits.

This guide will dive deep into integrating Froala’s character counter with your Angular components. 

We’ll explore setting up Froala within your Angular project. We will implement the character counter functionality and dynamically display the count to users.

Additionally, we’ll explore how to trigger custom actions when the limit of characters is reached.

character counter

Setting Up Froala in Angular

Before we integrate Froala’s character counter, ensuring the necessary tools are in place is crucial. This guide assumes you have Node.js and npm (Node Package Manager) installed on your system. These tools are essential for managing dependencies within your Angular project.

To integrate Froala, we’ll leverage the power of npm. 

Step 1: Open your terminal and navigate to your Angular project’s root directory. Execute the following command to install the Froala editor package:

npm install froala-editor -save

This command fetches the necessary Froala files. It adds them to your project’s dependencies, making them readily accessible. 

Step 2: Next, we need to include the required Froala modules within our Angular component. In your component’s TypeScript file, import the following modules:


import 'froala-editor/js/froala_editor.pkgd.min.js';

import 'froala-editor/css/froala_editor.pkgd.min.css';

These lines import the JavaScript and CSS files needed for Froala’s functionality and styling.

Now, let’s initialize Froala within your Angular component. 

Step 3: Add a container element with the Froala Editor directive in your component’s HTML template. This directive instructs Froala to render the WYSIWYG editor within the designated element:

<div [froalaEditor]>This is the editor content!</div>

With these basic steps, you’ve successfully set up Froala within your Angular component. This lays the foundation for integrating the character counter functionality.

Implementing the Character Counter

Now that Froala has been set up, let us look at how to enable its character counter feature. This capability is handled via Froala’s options object. It allows you to change different aspects of the editor’s behavior.

Here’s how to use Froala’s Character Counter Plugin:

Plugin Options

The plugin options for the charCounter feature. It allows you to customize its behavior according to your preferences.

  • charCounterCount: The charCounterCount option, when set to Boolean, controls whether the character counter is displayed within the editor. By default, it’s set to True, enabling the character counter.
  • charCounterMax: With charCounterMax, you can specify the maximum number of characters allowed in the rich text editor. By default, it’s set to -1, indicating an absence of any limit.

Plugin Methods

The plugin methods provide the functionality to interact with the charCounter feature programmatically. It enhances its usability and integration within your application.

  • charCounter.count(): The charCounter.count() method retrieves the total number of characters currently present in the editor. It returns an integer value representing the count.

Plugin Events

The Plugin Events associated with the charCounter feature offer opportunities to respond to specific occurrences within the editor’s character counting functionality.


  • charCounter.exceeded (): The charCounter.exceeded() event is triggered whenever the maximum character limit is exceeded. It provides a convenient way to handle situations where users input more characters than allowed.
  • charCounter.update (): The charCounter.update() event is triggered when the charCounter feature is due for an update. It enables you to synchronize the character count display with any changes in the editor’s content dynamically.


Froala’s character counter offers additional customization options:


This optional property allows you to define the counter’s visual style using CSS classes or inline styles. For instance: 

charCounterStyle: 'color: red; font-weight: bold;'



This optional property lets you specify the counter’s location within the editor. The Available options include ‘top’ and ‘bottom’.

Enabling the counter doesn’t directly trigger actions in your Angular application. But Froala fires specific events you can leverage. These events include:

  • Initialized: The initialized event is fired once the editor has completed its initialization process. so that it’s ready for interaction and customization.
  • contentChanged: The contentChanged event is triggered whenever there is a modification in the content of the editor. It offers an opportunity to dynamically update features such as character count. It executes custom actions in response to content alterations.

By understanding these options and events, you can seamlessly configure and integrate the character counter plugin into your Angular components.

Dynamically Displaying the Counter

Having implemented the character counter, let’s explore how to dynamically display the current count to the user within your Angular component. We’ll utilize the froalaEditor instance available. It will access the character count Within your component. This instance provides methods to interact with the editor’s functionalities.

Here’s how to retrieve the character count and update a dedicated element:



count: number = 0; // Variable to store the character count
ngOnInit() {

  this.count = this.froalaEditor.html.get('text').length; // Get current character coun  // Update the counter display element in the template



updateCharacterCountDisplay() {
  // Access the element using its reference variable (e.g., 


  const characterCountElement = this.characterCountElement.nativeElement;

  characterCountElement.textContent = `Character count: ${this.count}`;}



In this example, we:

  1. Define a count variable to store the retrieved character count.
  2. Within the ngOnInit lifecycle hook, access the editor instance using this.froalaEditor.
  3. Utilize the html.get(‘text’).length method to retrieve the current character count.
  4. Call the updateCharacterCountDisplay method to update the element displaying the count.
  5. The updateCharacterCountDisplay method accesses the element with the reference variable (#characterCount). It sets its text content to display the current character count.

This approach ensures that the displayed character count stays synchronized with the actual content within the editor, providing real-time feedback to the user.

Triggering Custom Actions

While the character counter provides valuable feedback, you might want to take further actions based on reaching the character limit. Froala’s contentChanged event comes into play here.

This event fires whenever the content within the editor changes. It makes it ideal for monitoring character count and triggering custom actions when the limit is reached.

Here’s how to listen for the event and perform actions:

froalaOptions: any = {
  // ... other options
  charCounterCount: 200,
  events: {
    contentChanged: this.onContentChanged.bind(this),

onContentChanged(editor: any) {
  const currentCount = editor.html.get('text').length;
  if (currentCount > this.froalaOptions.charCounterCount) {
    // Trigger custom actions when limit is exceeded
    // Optionally, disable the editor or specific functionalities
    // this.froalaEditor.edit.disable();

displayLimitReachedAlert() {
  alert('Character limit reached! Please reduce the content.');

In this example:

  1. We define the contentChanged event within the froalaOptions.
  2. The onContentChanged method is bound to the event and receives the editor instance as an argument.
  3. Inside the method, we retrieve the current character count and compare it to the limit.
  4. If the limit is exceeded, we call the displayLimitReachedAlert method to display an alert message.
  5. Optionally, you can uncomment the line to disable the editor entirely using froalaEditor.edit.disable() or turn off specific functionalities based on your requirements.

By leveraging the contentChanged event, you can take proactive measures when the character limit is reached. This enhances the user experience and ensures content adheres to the defined restrictions.


This integration lets you give useful feedback to users and control how much content is in your apps. You can adjust the amount of content to fit your app’s needs and what users expect. Also, check out Froala’s features and how well it works with Angular. It opens up lots of tools to make editing easier and better. 

By trying out these features, you can make editing fit your needs, making it easier for users and making them happier with your app.

What is a WYSIWYG Editor? Advanced Features Beyond Basic Formatting

What is a WYSIWYG Editor Thumbnail

Creating interesting web content requires a high level of technical ability. However, WYSIWYG editors have made this easier. Wondering what is a WYSIWYG editor? A WYSIWYG editor is a solution for people with varying technical backgrounds. It lets users see the final result of their changes in real time.

Users can make engaging web pages, emails, and online content using WYSIWYG editors. They make the web creation process easier. These editors excel at helping with simple formatting. 

Moreover, WYSIWYG editors provide a more flexible and complete content creation experience. This article details these advanced capabilities of WYSIWYG editors. It assesses their function and the benefits they bring to web development.

What is a WYSIWYG Editor

Understanding Advanced Features

Beyond the fundamental formatting options of bold, italic, and underline, WYSIWYG editors offer a broad collection of “advanced features.” These features offer a substantially richer and more responsive experience.

Unlike basic formatting choices, which focus on visually appealing changes to text, advanced capabilities go deeper. This allows users to adjust their material’s structure, appearance, and functioning. This spectrum covers functionalities such as:

  • Table generation and manipulation: Easily create tables, insert and remove rows and columns, merge cells, and apply graphic styles to improve the structure and clarity of given data.
  • Multimedia integration: Easily incorporate photos, movies, audio, and other multimedia components into the editing interface. Furthermore, resizing, cropping, and captioning enable optimal visual presentation and user interaction.
  • Code snippet integration: Add code snippets (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) directly into your work with syntax highlighting and programming language-specific editing tools. This gives users extensive control over certain pieces, allowing for advanced customization and interactivity.

Adding these advanced capabilities elevates WYSIWYG editors from simple text editors to strong tools capable of creating sophisticated and visually appealing web content.

Examples of Advanced Features

WYSIWYG editors provide advanced features, allowing users to generate complete and entertaining web content. Let’s look at three major examples:

1. Table Creation

Tables are essential for displaying data in a structured and ordered format. WYSIWYG editors remove the need for manual HTML coding and allow users to:


  • Create tables easily: Users may specify the number of rows and columns with a few clicks, and the table structure is generated instantaneously.
  • Manipulate table elements: Adding and removing rows or columns is as simple as clicking buttons, and combining cells facilitates data consolidation.
  • Apply visual styles: WYSIWYG editors provide simple ways to change table design, such as borders, background colors, and cell alignment. This guarantees a smooth connection with the overall content aesthetics.

2. Embedding multimedia

Integrating multimedia components such as photographs, videos, and audio improves web information’s visual appeal and user engagement. WYSIWYG editors make this procedure easier by enabling users to:


  • Easily integrate media by uploading or pasting the URL of the relevant multimedia pieces, reducing the need for sophisticated code insertions.
  • Fine-tune presentation using features like resizing and cropping allow you to change the size and location of elements to get the best visual balance. Furthermore, captioning improves accessibility and user understanding.

3. Integrating code snippets

WYSIWYG editors allow users with technical skills to integrate code snippets directly into their work. This capability enables:


  • Direct code integration: Users can insert HTML, CSS, or JavaScript snippets directly into the editing interface, allowing for targeted customization of certain elements.
  • Enhanced control: Syntax highlighting improves code readability, and some editors provide language-specific editing features. This gives users more detailed control over specific functions.


Below is an example of how a code snippet can be embedded into a WYSIWYG editor:


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
  <meta charset="UTF-8">
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
  <title>Sample Page</title>
    /* Custom CSS styles */
    body {
      font-family: Arial, sans-serif;
      background-color: #f0f0f0;
      padding: 20px;
    .container {
      max-width: 800px;
      margin: 0 auto;
      background-color: #fff;
      padding: 20px;
      border-radius: 8px;
      box-shadow: 0 2px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);
  <div class="container">
    <h1>Welcome to our website!</h1>
    <p>This is a sample page demonstrating the integration of a code snippet into a WYSIWYG editor.</p>
      // Custom JavaScript code
      alert('Hello, world! This is a JavaScript alert from the embedded code snippet.');



These examples highlight the wide range of capabilities of WYSIWYG editors’ advanced features. By exploiting these features, users may develop content that is not only visually appealing but also functionally advanced, reaching a larger audience and improving the entire user experience.

Benefits of Advanced Features

Adding advanced features to WYSIWYG editors empowers users. It also streamlines web development in many ways:

Enhanced Efficiency and Productivity

These features make web production easier. They allow users with few technical skills to create appealing content. WYSIWYG editors provide intuitive visual tools. They bridge the gap between technical and non-technical users. They promote more accessibility and inclusion in content creation.

Reduced Reliance on technical Expertise

These features make web production more accessible by allowing users with limited technical skills to create appealing content. WYSIWYG editors provide intuitive visual tools. They bridge the gap between technical and non-technical users. They promote more accessibility and inclusion in content creation.

Facilitated Collaboration

Advanced capabilities enable teams with various technical backgrounds to collaborate more effectively. Non-technical people can use the user-friendly interface to create content. Developers can concentrate on more sophisticated issues that need technical knowledge. This creates a collaborative environment and streamlines workflow.

Greater Flexibility and Control

In addition to efficiency, innovative features help to make the final result more adaptable and versatile. Incorporating multimedia elements, embedding code snippets, and changing table structures enables users to produce complicated and visually appealing material.


Furthermore, using code snippets gives users more control over specific design and functionality components, allowing for advanced customization and unique interactive experiences.


WYSIWYG editors have changed web development. They provide a simple option for content creation. Aside from basic formatting, these editors offer extra features. They include table manipulation, adding multimedia, and embedding code snippets.

These capabilities enable all users to make beautiful, advanced content. They come from all technical backgrounds. This improves the web development experience. 


WYSIWYG editors are great for both new users and seasoned developers. They offer many advantages. These include faster work, teamwork, and more control over the final product.

For those who want to maximize WYSIWYG editors, consider platforms like Froala. Froala offers many capabilities to help you in web development.

Froala Paragraph Styles for Online JavaScript Editors

Paragraph style

Transforming ordinary paragraphs into iconic statements is now within your reach with the powerful Froala online javascript editor. By harnessing the capabilities of the Froala Paragraph Style plugin, you can effortlessly infuse your text with a touch of creativity and sophistication. Whether you aim to emphasize crucial details, craft a distinct visual identity, or simply engage your audience on a deeper level, this plugin equips you with the tools to make your paragraphs truly stand out.

In this article, we will learn how to use the Froala Paragraph Style plugin to enhance the appearance of your text. You can apply different formatting options to make your paragraphs visually striking. Additionally, you can experiment with various font styles, colors, and sizes to create a unique and captivating design. Let’s dive into the features and functionalities of this plugin to elevate your paragraph presentation.

How does the Froala Paragraph Style Plugin Work?

When the Froala Paragraph Style plugin is activated, a button appears on the editor toolbar that opens a list of predefined styles. These styles are defined using CSS classes through the paragraphStyles API option. Choosing a style will apply its corresponding class to the selected paragraphs allowing you to effortlessly enhance the visual appeal of your text. By experimenting with different fonts, colors, and sizes, you can create a unique and captivating design for your paragraphs. This plugin offers a user-friendly way to make your text more engaging and visually appealing, helping you stand out with iconic paragraph styles with your online javascript editor.

paragraph style feature

What does the Froala Paragraph Style Plugin API do?

The Froala Paragraph Style plugin offers two options and one method for customizing paragraph styles in the editor.

The Froala Paragraph Style Plugin Options

1. paragraphStyles:

The paragraphStyles option enables developers to create custom styles for selected paragraphs. It is an object where the property name represents a CSS class and its corresponding value is the text shown in the dropdown menu when the “Paragraph Styles” button is clicked. For example, if the assigned object is


'fr-text-gray': 'Gray',

'fr-text-bordered': 'Bordered',


This will display two options on the dropdown menu.

  • Gray: once selected, the editor will check the selected paragraph. If it does not have the ‘fr-text-gray’ class, the editor will add it. If the selected paragraph already has that class, the editor will remove it.
  • Bordered: once selected, the editor will check the selected paragraph. If it does not have the ‘fr-text-bordered’ class, the editor will add it. If the selected paragraph already has that class, the editor will remove it.

By default, the paragraphStyles option has the following value:


'fr-text-gray': 'Gray',

'fr-text-bordered': 'Bordered',

'fr-text-spaced': 'Spaced',

'fr-text-uppercase': 'Uppercase'


You can also define your custom styles and their corresponding classes. When you add your custom class name, make sure you have defined that class in the page stylesheet.

2. paragraphMultipleStyles

Using the paragraphMultipleStyles option, developers can choose whether users can apply a single style or multiple styles from the defined styles in the paragraphStyles option. This gives you control over the number of styles that should be applied to each paragraph using the Paragraph Styles feature. By default, the paragraphMultipleStyles option is set to true.

The Froala Paragraph Style Plugin Methods

The Froala Paragraph Style plugin provides the paragraphStyle.apply(className) method to programmatically apply a specific CSS class to selected paragraphs. This method can be called within editor events or used to create custom buttons for applying paragraph styles.

var editor = new FroalaEditor('.selector', {}, function () {

    // Call the method inside the initialized event.



This flexibility in styling empowers you to create visually appealing and unique paragraph designs effortlessly. Experimenting with different font styles, colors, and sizes can help you enhance the visual appeal of your text effectively.

Installation and Setup of The Froala Paragraph Style Plugin

Step 1: Add the Froala Paragraph Style plugin files.

If you have included the Froala packaged files in your web application, then the Paragraph Style plugin JavaScript file is included by default. Skip to step #2.

<link href='{url_based_on_your_download_option}/css/froala_editor.pkgd.min.css' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' />

<script type='text/javascript' src='{url_based_on_your_download_option}/js/froala_editor.pkgd.min.js'></script>

Otherwise, you should include the plugin script file. The plugin doesn’t have a stylesheet file.

<!-- The editor core files -->

<link href='{url_based_on_your_download_option}/css/froala_editor.min.css' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' />

<script type='text/javascript' src='{url_based_on_your_download_option}/js/froala_editor.min.js'></script>

<!-- The plugin script file -->

<script type='text/javascript' src='{url_based_on_your_download_option}/js/plugins/paragraph_style.min.js'></script>

Step 2: Activate the plugin

By default, the plugin is activated when its JavaScript file is added. However, if the pluginsEnabled option is customized, you should include the paragraphStyle in its assigned value. This ensures that the plugin is active and ready to be used.

new FroalaEditor('#HTMLElement',{

pluginsEnabled: ['image', 'link', 'video', 'paragraphStyle']


Step 3: Add the Paragraph Styles Button to the Froala Toolbar

The Paragraph Styles Button is shown by default when the plugin is active. If the toolbarButtons option is customized, include paragraphStyle in the assigned value to display the button.

new FroalaEditor('#HTMLElement',{

    pluginsEnabled: ['image', 'link', 'video', 'paragraphStyle'],

    toolbarButtons: ['bold','insertLink', 'insertImage', 'insertVideo','paragraphStyle']


Do the same with the toolbarButtonsMD, toolbarButtonsSM, toolbarButtonsXS options. These options indicate the buttons to be displayed on medium, small, and extra small screens, respectively. By default, these options display the same buttons defined in the toolbarButtons option.

Common use cases of the Paragraph Styles feature

The Paragraph Styles feature is very popular among users as it helps them with

  • Highlighting Important Information: Use different styles to draw attention to key points or important information within your paragraphs.
  • Creating a Consistent Design: Maintain a uniform look throughout your document by applying predefined styles to different sections.
  • Enhancing Readability: Experiment with font styles, colors, and sizes to improve the readability of your text and make it more visually appealing.
  • Adding Emphasis: Apply unique styles to specific paragraphs to emphasize their significance or create a visual hierarchy in your content.

And much more…


The Froala Paragraph Style plugin offers a versatile toolkit to elevate your content presentation. By highlighting important information, creating a consistent design, enhancing readability, and adding emphasis, you can captivate your audience with visually appealing paragraphs. Take your writing to the next level with the power of customization at your fingertips.

Ready to make your paragraphs iconic? Start transforming your text today with the Froala and unleash your creativity like never before!

Download Froala Editor


The Rise of No-Code/Low-Code and the Evolving Role of Visual HTML Editors


The digital landscape is seeing substantial changes. The development of visual HTML editors and the increasing number of no-code/low-code (NLC) platforms drive this trend.

These advancements democratize web development. They make it accessible to more people, from beginners to seasoned developers.

This article explores the growing influence of No-Code/Low-Code and visual HTML editors. It shows how they empower non-technical users and help experienced developers.

What is Low-Code Development?

Low-code development is a type of software development. It emphasizes visual, declarative techniques to cut the amount of hand-coding needed.

Unlike traditional coding, where developers write every line of code, low-code platforms provide tools and components. They let developers design, build, and deploy apps with less manual coding.

Low-code platforms still need coding expertise. But, they make software development much easier by using visual modeling, drag-and-drop interfaces, and pre-built templates.

This lets developers create apps. Developers often use low-code development for speed, flexibility, and ease of use. They do this in fast-changing business environments or when making prototype applications for testing.



What is No-Code Development?

No-code development revolutionizes software creation. It lets users build applications without writing code. People can design, develop, and deploy software solutions without deep coding knowledge. They do this through easy visual interfaces and drag-and-drop tools.

These platforms offer many features. These include pre-built templates, integration with third-party services, and automated deployment.

No-code development abstracts complexities and lowers entry barriers. It democratizes software creation and empowers people and teams with diverse skills. This approach is often used for prototyping, iterating on applications, automating business processes, and creating mobile apps.

No-code development fosters innovation and collaboration. It drives faster time-to-market and speeds up digital change in industries.

Why Are No-Code and Low-Code Techniques Gaining Popularity?

Website development has always been limited to highly qualified programmers. Yet, the Low code/no code revolution is changing this paradigm. Following are the reasons these approaches are gaining popularity. 

  • Enhanced productivity: Using low code/no code platforms cuts development time and expenses a lot. Instead of mundane, repetitive code, developers may work on higher-level tasks.
  • Building capacity for citizen developers: Business customers are given the power to manage their applications using no-code platforms. This change speeds up application delivery while reducing the workload for IT teams.
  • Bridging the skill gap: You can fill the skill gap using low-code and no-code approaches. Few people have coding skills. In a world with few of them, the ability to make helpful software is invaluable. You can do this without much experience.
  • Fast prototyping: These platforms are perfect for iterating and prototyping. Without knowing how to code, you can develop a working prototype in no time and then iterate based on user input.
  • Digital agility: Being nimble is key in today’s fast-paced corporate world. Organizations respond to changing markets. They can do this because of low-code and no-code platforms.

Benefits of NLC for Non-Technical Users

There are several advantages to no-/low-coding (NLC) for non-technical users:

  • Less dependence on IT: NLC platforms let business users create basic apps on their own, which eases the load on IT teams and speeds up project schedules.
  • Better communication and teamwork: NLC helps non-technical stakeholders and developers work together more closely by making it easier for them to see and test their ideas.
  • Quicker concept validation and feedback collection: NLC platforms support rapid prototype and Minimum Viable Product generation, allowing for faster idea validation and feedback collection.

The Possible Difficulties of Low-Code/No-Code

Despite their many benefits, not every project is a good fit for low-code or no-code platforms. Some things to think about are:

  • Depth: Some complicated applications may necessitate bespoke code for optimum efficiency.
  • Scalability: Checking if the platform can manage the project’s demands is critical for large-scale applications.
  • Vendor lock-in: You may need to determine whether the platform allows access to vendor-specific technology or if it might lead to vendor lock-in

Streamlining Workflows: The Power of a Visual HTML Editor

While NLC platforms cater to non-coders, a visual HTML editor is also transforming the experience for developers. Real-time visualization and a drag-and-drop interface provide these editors with how programmers can construct complex web pages and applications visually.


<!-- Example of a visual HTML editor interface -->
<div id="visual-editor">
    <!-- Visual representation of a web page with drag-and-drop functionality -->
    <div class="page-container">
        <!-- Drag-and-drop elements for building the page -->
        <div class="element draggable" data-element="text">Text</div>
        <div class="element draggable" data-element="image">Image</div>
        <div class="element draggable" data-element="button">Button</div>
        <!-- Other draggable elements -->
    <!-- Preview pane for real-time visualization -->
    <div class="preview-pane">
        <!-- Preview of the constructed web page -->


This process effectively diminishes the duration devoted to code creation, thereby enabling developers to allocate their attention toward more strategic elements such as functionality and logic.

Advantages for developers of visual HTML editors include:

  • Productivity enhancement: The use of visual editors removes the necessity for manual code composition, resulting in expedited development cycles and heightened efficacy.
  • Enhanced collaboration: A visual HTML editor provides developers and designers with a shared platform, enabling smooth communication and guaranteeing the integrity of the design in the ultimate deliverable.
  • Decreased coding error: Visual editors frequently incorporate validation and error-checking functionalities, thereby mitigating the potential for human errors to occur in the code.

Froala: Bridging the Gap between NLC and Visual Editing

Froala stands out as a unique platform that bridges the gap between NLC and visual editing. It offers a flexible solution that caters to both non-technical users and developers.

For non-coders, Froala provides:

  • Simple to use, drag-and-drop interface: Users can quickly and simply construct websites and apps by arranging pre-made elements.
  • Various widgets and templates: Froala provides a large library of pre-designed components for a head start on development and consistency.
  • WYSIWYG: This allows users to see their contributions come to life in real time, providing a more user-friendly experience.

For developers, Froala offers:

  • Advanced code editing capabilities: Developers can access and change the underlying code. They can do this for complete control and customization.
  • It integrates with popular frameworks: These include React, Angular, and Vue.js. This lets developers use their existing skills.
  • Open-source options: Froala offers commercial and open-source versions. It serves diverse needs and budgets.

Froala offers a hybrid approach. It empowers non-technical users and developers. They can contribute to web development. This fosters collaboration, innovation, and efficiency. It leads to the creation of great digital experiences.


The rise of NLC and visual HTML editors shows a shift. It is toward a more collaborative web development landscape. These advancements empower people with different skills. They can use them to create digital products. This enables more creativity and agility.

As the tech landscape evolves, we expect to see more seamless integration. It will be between NLC and visual editing tools. This will further democratize web development and make it accessible to everyone.


Responsive Video Design for Online JavaScript Editors: A Vue WYSIWYG Guide

Vue WYSIWYG editor

Imagine a world where videos seamlessly adapt to any screen size or device, captivating viewers with their dynamic display. In today’s digital landscape, where content consumption spans across various platforms and gadgets, the need for responsive videos has never been more crucial. Enter the “Responsive Video” feature Froala; an online javascript editor—a game-changer that ensures your videos always shine, regardless of the viewing platform.

We recently answered ten questions about the Froala video plugin customization. However, we did not cover some features, including the “Responsive Video” feature. This article will explore this important feature and demonstrate how to use it with our Vue WYSIWYG editor.

What is the Responsive Video feature in Froala?

The “Responsive Video” feature in Froala online javascript editor allows videos to adjust their size based on the screen or container they are displayed in, ensuring they look good on any device or screen size. Implementing this feature can enhance the user experience by ensuring videos are displayed responsively across various devices.

Unlike the normal mode, you cannot manually resize the added video by dragging and dropping. Additionally, users cannot modify video display or alignment properties. They also cannot change the video dimensions through the Edit video popup.

By enabling this option, the video edit pop-up menu will have three buttons only:

  • Video Replace button
  • Video Remove button
  • Auto-play button

Video feature

Responsive Videos Use Cases

Many use cases can benefit from the Responsive Videos feature. For instance, imagine a scenario where a fashion e-commerce website utilizes the “Responsive Video” feature to showcase dynamic runway videos of its latest collections. These videos seamlessly adapt to the varying screen sizes of users, whether they are browsing on a laptop, tablet, or smartphone. This not only ensures a consistent visual experience for shoppers but also reinforces the brand’s commitment to delivering high-quality content across all devices.

Moreover, consider an educational platform that leverages the responsive video functionality to deliver interactive learning materials to students. With videos adjusting intelligently to fit the screen size, learners can engage with course content effortlessly, regardless of the device they are using. This feature eliminates the need for manual adjustments, allowing educators to focus on creating impactful video lessons without worrying about compatibility issues.

In a marketing context, a travel agency could utilize the “Responsive Video” feature to showcase breathtaking destination videos on their website. By enabling automatic resizing, these videos captivate potential travelers on desktops, tablets, or smartphones, painting an immersive picture of the travel experiences they offer. This seamless display ensures that the agency’s promotional content is visually striking and accessible to a wide audience.

How to enable the “Responsive Video” feature in Froala?

To enable the “Responsive Video” feature in Froala online javascript editor, you can simply set the videoResponsive option to true within the editor configuration.

new FroalaEditor('.selector', {

  videoResponsive: true


By activating this feature, videos embedded using Froala will automatically adjust their dimensions to fit the screen or container they are placed in. This dynamic resizing ensures that videos appear correctly sized and formatted on any device or screen resolution.

responsive videos

A Demonstration of the Froala Responsive Video Feature on Vue 3

Let’s create a working example of the Froala Responsive Video Feature on Vue 3. Following a few simple steps, you can easily incorporate this feature into your Froala Vue WYSIWYG editor setup.

Start by creating a new Vue project. Simply use the command below:

vue create video-responsive-project

Once the project is created, navigate to the project directory:

cd video-responsive-project

After that, install the Froala Vue WYSIWYG editor package and its dependencies using npm:

npm install vue-froala-wysiwyg

The vue-froala-wysiwyg NPM package is a wrapper around the Froala editor that simplifies the integration between Froala and Vue.js applications, allowing users to easily create and edit content with a What You See Is What You Get interface.

After installing the vue-froala-wysiwyg package, import it into your project to set up and customize the Froala editor in your Vue.js application.

Open the main Vue component file (main.js)

import { createApp } from 'vue'

import App from './App.vue'

//Import Froala Editor plugins
import 'froala-editor/js/plugins.pkgd.min.js';

// Import Froala Editor css files.
import 'froala-editor/css/froala_editor.pkgd.min.css';
import 'froala-editor/css/froala_style.min.css';

// Import Froala Editor component
import VueFroala from 'vue-froala-wysiwyg';
  • Register the Froala Vue WYSIWYG editor component globally:
const app = createApp(App);          



Now you can use the Froala editor component anywhere in your Vue.js project.

The Froala editor component has three attributes:

  1. :tag attribute specifies the tag on which the editor is initialized, typically set to “textarea”.
  2. :config attribute which is used to pass the editor options that allow you to customize the editor settings based on your requirements. It provides flexibility in configuring the editor’s behavior, appearance, and functionality. Using this attribute, you can tailor the Froala editor to suit your specific needs and enhance the editing experience for users interacting with your Vue.js application.
  3. v-model:value attribute is used to display and edit content in the editor with two-way binding.

To enable the video responsive feature, we will set the videoResponsive option to true inside the :config attribute.

Open the “App.vue” file and edit it as


export default {
  name: "App",
    data () {

    return {

      config: {
        videoResponsive: true,
        toolbarButtons: ['insertVideo']

Run the below NPM command to run your Vue application on your local development server.

npm run serve

Visit http://localhost:8080 to view the running example we created. Note, on the Froala editor’s toolbar, there is a button to insert Videos. When a video is inserted, it automatically spans the full width of the editor and cannot be manually resized.


By incorporating the “Responsive Video” feature in Froala, you can ensure that videos adjust their size according to the screen or container they are displayed in, providing a consistent viewing experience across various devices. This dynamic resizing feature enhances user interaction by optimizing video displays on different screen sizes.

Froala can act as your Vue WYSIWYG editor. Enabling the videoResponsive option in the Froala Vue WYSIWYG editor allows for seamless integration of this feature, making it easy to create and edit responsive videos within your Vue.js application.

Tips on Building Interactive UIs with a Text-to-HTML Editor


In web development, it’s common to have imaginative user interface concepts. But, there’s often a gap between these concepts and the technical skill to create them. Typical editors provide a convenient platform. However, their restrictions can hinder user engagement and innovation.

This article discusses an interesting solution. It suggests using text-to-HTML editors to create dynamic user interfaces. This method provides several benefits.

We will give you an overview of the specifics of the technique. We will show you how this strategy works. We will also teach you how to create interactive sections that people want to use. 



How do you create engaging user interfaces with a text-to-html editor?

Discover the power of crafting captivating user interfaces using a text-to-HTML editor.

Froala’s Code View Plugin: Enhancing Direct HTML Editing

Froala’s Code View plugin, specifically the “smartCard-inline” feature, enhances the text-to-HTML editing experience by allowing developers to directly edit HTML code within the editor interface. This enables real-time previewing of changes and facilitates seamless collaboration between developers and designers.

In the code snippet below, we demonstrate how to integrate Froala’s Code View plugin into an HTML document to create an interactive UI:


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
  <meta charset="UTF-8">
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
  <title>Interactive UI Demo</title>
  <!-- Include Froala Editor CSS -->
  <link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
  <link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
  <h1>Interactive UI Demo</h1>
  <!-- Froala Editor Container -->
  <div id="editor">
    <p>Create an interactive UI by editing HTML code directly.</p>
  <!-- Include Froala Editor JS -->
  <script src=""></script>
  <!-- Include Froala Editor Code View Plugin JS -->
  <script src=""></script>

    // Initialize Froala Editor
    new FroalaEditor('#editor', {
      codeView: true, // Enable code view
      heightMin: 200, // Set minimum height for the editor
      pluginsEnabled: ['codeView'] // Enable Code View plugin


The code imports the necessary CSS and JavaScript files for Froala Editor and its Code View plugin. A <div> element with the ID “editor” serves as the container for the editor. JavaScript initializes the editor with specific configurations, enabling code view, setting a minimum height, and enabling only the Code View plugin.

This code snippet demonstrates how to integrate Froala Editor with the Code View plugin into a web page, allowing users to interactively edit HTML code and see the changes reflected in real-time within the editor interface.

Output:Advantages of Text-to-HTML Editors

Here are some of the advantages of using text-to-HTML editors for interactive UIs:

1. Efficiency in Development

Web creation becomes much more efficient using text-to-HTML editors since they make coding much easier. With HTML, developers don’t need to write code by hand to produce and edit information. This level of automation shortens the development time, speeds up prototyping, and decreases the likelihood of syntax mistakes.

2. Regularity and Uniformity

Code uniformity and consistency are fostered via text-to-HTML editors. By providing developers with pre-made frameworks and templates, these editors ensure that best practices are followed consistently. This consistency facilitates enhanced collaboration among development teams and simplifies the code-testing process.

3. Rapid Prototyping

Prototypes and mockups constitute an integral component of every design procedure. Text-to-HTML editors enable programmers to transform conceptual designs into physical prototypes rapidly. Iterative development benefits greatly from this rapid prototyping capacity since it enables more efficient design iterations and faster feedback loops.

4. Code Cleanliness

Many text-to-HTML editors automatically generate clean, well-structured code. Doing so enhances the codebase’s readability and makes it easier to maintain. Debugging, updating, and collaborating on clean code is easier, which, in turn, reduces the likelihood of making mistakes.

5. Feature Accessibility

A key component of contemporary web development is accessibility. Features that aid developers in making content accessible are commonly included in text-to-HTML editors. To ensure the result is accessible and inclusive, these editors may have built-in checks for things like semantic HTML, ARIA roles, and other standards for online accessibility.

6. Real-Time Collaboration

Team members can work together in real-time with text-to-HTML editors, particularly those built into online platforms. Permitting multiple developers to work on a project’s distinct components can boost output and shorten due dates. Remote teams collaborating on a single project will find this collaborative function to be an absolute blessing.

7. Compatibility with Many Browsers

Verifying the functionality of a website or application across all conceivable browsers can present a formidable challenge. The era of explicitly modifying code for individual browsers has passed, as text-to-HTML editors generally incorporate cross-browser compatibility mechanisms. As a result, the user experience has improved across all platforms.

Best Practices for Crafting Interactive UIs with Text-to-HTML Editors

When using a text-to-html editor to create an interactive user interface, keep the following points in mind:

  • Use Semantic HTML

    • What to Do: Use the right HTML tags like <button>, <input>, or <a> for interactive elements.
    • Why: This improves accessibility for people and search engines, and boosts SEO.

    Responsive Design

    • What to Do: Make sure interactive elements work well on different screen sizes.
    • How: Use CSS media queries to adjust for different devices and prioritize mobile users.
    • Goal: Aim for a smooth and consistent user experience on all devices.

    Focus on User Needs

    • Approach: Understand your audience and their needs first.
    • Action: Address their main concerns and design intuitive interactions to improve their experience.

    Use Visual Hierarchy

    • Strategy: Organize information clearly using headings, subheadings, and visual cues.
    • Design Tips: Use differences in size, color, and spacing to show importance and guide users.

    Embrace Microinteractions

    • What to do: Add small animations or visual feedback like button clicks or page transitions.
    • Benefit: These enhance user engagement by providing confirmation or progress.

    Accessibility Matters

    • Principle: Make your user interface usable for everyone, regardless of their abilities.
    • Guidelines: Follow WCAG accessibility standards to meet diverse needs.

    Optimize Performance

    • Consideration: Be mindful of using large images or complex scripts that can slow down your site.
    • Solutions: Compress images and minimize code to speed up loading times.

    Test and Iterate

    • Process: Test your design on various devices and browsers to ensure it works well everywhere.
    • Feedback Loop: Encourage user feedback and improve your design based on real experiences.


Building interactive UIs often seems like a developer’s domain. But text-to-HTML editors offer a compelling alternative, empowering everyone to create engaging interfaces. They are optimal for collaborative design and rapid prototyping. This is because they are efficient, adaptable, and accessible.

Designers can create attractive and functional user interfaces by prioritizing user requirements. They can also achieve this by employing visual hierarchy and embracing micro-interactions. Froala’s Code View plugin extends the editor’s capabilities. Use it for direct code access.


10 FAQs on Customizing the Froala Editor HTML Editor Software

html editor software

Video has become one of the most powerful mediums for storytelling and communication in the digital age. It offers more engagement than text or images for the simple reason that it combines audio, video, and text. Froala is a professional html editor software that supports inserting and editing videos. Our mission is to not only provide these features but also to simplify and innovate the process of inserting and editing videos within your content.

In a previous article, we discussed the installation, setup, and usage of the Froala Video plugin. This article will focus on addressing frequently asked questions regarding customizing the Video plugin. This comprehensive FAQ delves into various aspects of video plugin usage, offering valuable guidance on how to tailor the video plugin to their specific requirements, enhancing the overall functionality of the editor.

html editor software

1. What is the Video Plugin API?

The comprehensive API of the Video plugin provides developers with a wide range of options, events, and methods to customize the video editing experience. With twenty options, eleven events, and six methods at your disposal, you have the flexibility to create engaging and interactive content seamlessly within the Froala html editor software.

The Video plugin options allow you to customize the appearance, behavior, and functionality of the plugin to suit your needs. By leveraging the available events, you can enhance user interactions and create a great editing UX. Additionally, the methods provided enable you to manipulate videos programmatically, giving you full control over the editing process.

2. Can I restrict the use of the “Paste Video URL” to specific platforms?

Froala html editor software allows you to restrict the use of “Paste Video URL” to specific platforms. This feature provides additional control over the sources from which videos can be embedded. By defining the platforms where users can paste video URLs, you can ensure content consistency and compliance with your guidelines. This functionality enhances the overall user experience and content management within the Froala Editor, contributing to a more streamlined editing process.

To achieve this, use the videoAllowedProviders API option. This option accepts an array of allowed video providers where you can specify the allowed platforms.

For example:

new FroalaEditor('.selector', {

  videoAllowedProviders: ['youtube', 'vimeo']


The above code allows inserting videos from YouTube and Vimeo. If a user tries to insert videos from another platform using the “Paste Video URL” option, he will get an error message. However, users are still able to embed videos from restricted platforms using the embed video option.

3. Can I limit the types of videos that can be inserted?

Developers can easily manage the types of videos that users can insert into the editor by utilizing the videoAllowedTypes option. This option accepts an array with the allowed video types. By default, ‘mp4’, ‘webm’, and ‘ogg’ are allowed. This feature enables you to specify the supported video formats, ensuring that only the designated file types can be uploaded. Limiting the video formats enhances content control, maintains consistency in the content being added, and improves application security.

new FroalaEditor('.selector', {

  videoAllowedProviders: ['youtube', 'vimeo'],

  videoAllowedTypes: ['mp4']


4. How can I restrict the size of uploaded videos?

Developers can also utilize the videoMaxSize option to limit the size of uploaded videos, ensuring optimal performance and efficient content management. By specifying a maximum size for video uploads, you can control the file size of inserted videos, preventing large files from impacting the editor’s performance. By default, The Froala Video plugin allows users to upload videos up to 30MB.

new FroalaEditor('.selector', {

  videoAllowedProviders: ['youtube', 'vimeo'],

  videoAllowedTypes: ['mp4'],

  videoMaxSize: 1024 * 1024 * 15


5. How do I change the default alignment of inserted videos?

The default alignment of inserted videos is controlled by the videoDefaultAlign option. By default, videos are aligned to the center, but you can customize this setting to align videos left or right. This flexibility in alignment options allows you to control the visual presentation of videos within your content seamlessly. Customizing the alignment default value to the most frequently used position makes aligning multiple videos easier and boosts user productivity.

new FroalaEditor('.selector', {

  videoAllowedProviders: ['youtube', 'vimeo'],

  videoAllowedTypes: ['mp4'],

  videoMaxSize: 1024 * 1024 * 15,

  videoDefaultAlign: 'left'


6. How could I insert videos within the text flow?

When inserting a video within the Froala editor, the default behavior causes the text to break, appearing above and below the video rather than beside it. This layout is due to the video being wrapped in a span element with the class fr-dvb which enforces a block display style.

.fr-view {

    display: block;

    clear: both;


To integrate videos seamlessly into text content, developers can override this default behavior by customizing the videoDefaultDisplay option.

new FroalaEditor('.selector', {

  videoDefaultDisplay: 'inline'


By setting this option to inline, videos can be inserted within the text flow. This adjustment ensures that the videos are displayed in line with the surrounding text. In this case, The video’s parent span element will have the class fr-dvi instead of fr-dvb, which sets its display to inline-block.

.fr-view {

    display: inline-block;


By controlling the display behavior of videos, developers can create a more cohesive and engaging user experience within the Froala html editor software.

7. How to remove the predefined width for inserted videos?

Developers can also set a predefined width for inserted videos using the videoDefaultWidth option. This feature allows specifying a default width for all videos inserted into the editor, ensuring consistent sizing across your content. By defining a specific width value, you can control the visual presentation of videos and maintain uniformity in their display. Customizing the default width enhances the overall layout of your content and contributes to a more polished and professional appearance.

By default, the inserted videos will have a 600px width. To insert videos without a predefined width, set the videoDefaultWidth option to 0.

new FroalaEditor('.selector', {

  videoAllowedProviders: ['youtube', 'vimeo'],

  videoAllowedTypes: ['mp4'],

  videoMaxSize: 1024 * 1024 * 15,

  videoDefaultAlign: 'left',

  videoDefaultDisplay: 'inline',

  videoDefaultWidth: 0


8. What videoSplitHTML option do?

The videoSplitHTML is set to false by default. This causes the text before the video to be wrapped in <p> element, and the video along with the text after it to be wrapped in another <p> element when inserting a video within a text paragraph.

For instance, consider the paragraph in the editor:

The responsive video features enable you to insert videos from YouTube or Vimeo and have them change based on your device screen.</i

Inserting a video after “The responsive video features enable you to insert“ will generate the following HTML:

  <p>The responsive video features enable you to insert&nbsp;</p>

  <p><span contenteditable="false" draggable="true" class="fr-video fr-dvi fr-draggable"><video src="blob:" style="width: 600px;" controls="" class="fr-draggable ">Your browser does not support HTML5 video.</video></span>videos from Youtube or Vimeo and have them change based on your device screen.</p>

Alternatively, if you set the videoSplitHTML to true.

new FroalaEditor('div#froala-editor', {

        videoSplitHTML: true,        


This will result in the text before the video, the video itself, and the text after the video being wrapped in separate <p> elements.

In the mentioned example, the HTML generated after inserting the video will be:

  <p>The responsive video features enable you to insert </p>

  <p><span contenteditable="false" draggable="true" class="fr-video fr-dvi fr-draggable"><video src="blob:" style="width: 600px;" controls="" class="fr-draggable ">Your browser does not support HTML5 video.</video></span></p>

  <p>videos from YouTube or Vimeo and have them change based on your device screen.</p>

By customizing the videoSplitHTML option in the Froala Editor, developers can control how the text and videos are structured within the editor. This feature allows for greater flexibility in the layout of content when inserting videos. This fine-grained control over the HTML structure enhances the customization capabilities of the Froala Editor.

9. How to disable video dragging?

You can prevent users from dragging videos around the editor by setting the videoMove option to false. This feature restricts the movement of videos within the content, ensuring they remain in their designated positions.

new FroalaEditor('.selector', {

  videoMove: false


10. Can I add, remove, or rearrange the buttons on the video edit popup?

Developers can customize the video edit popup to their preferences by adding, removing, or rearranging the buttons displayed using the videoEditButtons option. This option accepts an array and by default, it is set to ['videoReplace', 'videoRemove', '|', 'videoDisplay', 'videoAlign', 'videoSize', 'autoplay']


  • videoReplace is a button for removing the selected video and replacing it with a new video.
  • videoRemove is a button for removing the selected video.
  • videoDisplay is a drop-down menu that allows you to change the video display between “block” or “inline” options.
  • videoAlign allows users to change the video alignment.
  • videoSize allows users to change the video width and height.
  • autoplay adds and removes the “autoplay“ attribute for the video HTML element.

By rearranging, adding, or removing buttons in the video edit popup, developers can enhance the functionality and usability of the Froala Editor for managing videos efficiently.


Developers have a wide range of options to customize the behavior and appearance of videos within the Froala Editor, from setting default widths to controlling drag-and-drop functionalities. By leveraging features like videoSplitHTML and videoEditButtons, developers can tailor the editor to suit their specific needs and enhance user interactions. These customization options empower developers to create a more engaging and polished user experience when working with videos in the Froala Editor.

Download Froala Editor

Effective Content Management Strategies with an HTML Code Writer

Effective Content Management Strategies with an HTML Code Writer Thumbnail

We need effective content management strategies as the need for online content expands. Creating captivating narratives is crucial. Yet, integrating them into the digital world presents a distinct challenge. While an HTML code writer can help craft amazing content, it can also hinder clear communication and well-organized code when collaborating.

By using proactive management strategies, you can establish a cooperative atmosphere. This promotes transparency, regularity, and success. 

This guide will provide you with essential resources. It will help you connect your written content with code writers’ technical expertise. 


Effective Content Management Strategies with an HTML Code Writer Thumbnail

Strategies for Effective Content Management

Let’s look at the important principles of managing content when working with an HTML code writer.


  • Software for Version Control: Use Git or another version control system to keep track of code changes. This will allow for easy collaboration, conflict resolution, and reverting to prior versions.
  • Platforms for Collaboration: Use centralized code repositories on systems like GitHub or Bitbucket. Features like pull requests make it easy to share code, review it, and manage projects.
  • Clear Communication Channels: Establish transparent communication using Slack or project management platforms. Regular meetings ensure swift information exchange, problem-solving, and a cohesive team environment.

Code Cleanliness

  • Uniform Coding Standards: Keep the codebase consistent by sticking to a set of predetermined methods. Consistent formatting and style make the code more readable. They also ease collaboration among team members.
  • Commenting for Code Documentation: Include insightful comments inside the code to give context and improve comprehension. This also documents the code. When the code is well-documented, developers can work together, solve problems, and make future changes.
  • Regular Code Reviews and Refactoring: Install a systematic code review process. This will catch errors. Ensure compliance with coding standards and share knowledge within the team. Schedule periodic code refactoring sessions to enhance code quality. This will improve performance and adapt to evolving project requirements.

Quality Content

  • Content Strategy: Plan your content’s goals, intended readers, and organizational framework before you start planning and organizing it. Arrange data to make it easy to use and update and organize it. Arrange data to make it easy to use and update.
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Guidelines: Use SEO concepts in your content plan. Creating a sitemap, optimizing content for essential keywords, and employing descriptive meta tags can increase your search engine visibility and ranking.
  • Think about responsive design. Make sure your content looks great on all devices and screen sizes. Focus on responsive design. This method improves SERP rankings, boosts mobile traffic, and improves users’ experiences.

HTML Code Writing Best Practices

Discover leveraging style guides, semantic elements, and automation for a flawless codebase.

HTML with Semantics for Improved Organization and Usability

An accessible and well-structured website is impossible to make without semantic HTML. Using semantic components improves the code’s readability and the user experience.

Use Appropriate HTML Tags

When enclosing content, use HTML tags that do justice to it. To give your page a clear structure, you can use tags like <header>, <nav>, <main>, <article>, <section>, and <footer>.

Optimize Accessibility

Ensure that images are accessible to individuals with disabilities. Include <alt> attributes. Link to descriptive content. Maintain an appropriate hierarchy of headings. Through the use of semantic HTML, assistive devices such as screen readers can comprehend and interpret content more.

Developers can optimize content for better performance and user experience. Following these best practices for writing HTML code can help them create more structured, accessible, and maintainable web pages.

CSS and JavaScript Separation for Maintainability

Separating CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) and JavaScript from HTML enhances codebase modularity and maintainability. This division facilitates code cleanliness, debugging simplicity, and enhanced collaboration. Crucial practices comprise:

Sheets of external styles

Storing styles in external CSS files can reduce repetition. It also maintains the same style across many pages. This facilitates styling updates without necessitating modifications to the HTML structure.

Asynchronous JavaScript Loading

Load Asynchronous JavaScript to avoid impeding the HTML document’s rendering. This method improves efficacy by allowing HTML to load from JavaScript. It enhances the user experience.

Image and multimedia content optimization

Managing multimedia and image content is critical. It enhances user engagement and facilitates quicker page loads. Consider the after techniques for optimization:

Image Compression

Reduce file sizes without sacrificing image fidelity by compressing images. Applications like TinyPNG optimize delivery times and preserve visual integrity.

Lazy Loading

Employ lazyloading to prevent loading images and multimedia content until they are to be viewed. This methodology optimizes the rendering of the initial page while conserving bandwidth.

Responsive Images

Install responsive image methodologies. Use the <picture> element or CSS media queries. Size the images for the user’s device and screen. This guarantees a cohesive user experience across various devices.

Using Tools to Your Advantage

Writing and editing code requires using an HTML code writer. Froala Editor is a tool that improves HTML content management. It offers non-technical users direct visual manipulation through easy WYSIWYG editing.

This feature simplifies the content creation, making it more intuitive for non-technical users. Froala Editor offers advanced formatting options. This enables developers and content creators to install rich text features. This includes text styling, lists, and other formatting elements. They enhance the visual appeal of content.


Developing successful and long-lasting websites requires mastering HTML code writer’s content management strategies. Cooperation builds an effective development workflow. It also depends on clear coding standards and excellent content production.

Teams can improve productivity and collaboration through collaborative platforms. They can also do so with version control systems and clear communication routes.

Moreover, you can ensure code cleanliness and maintainability by adopting uniform coding standards. You can also comment on documentation and schedule frequent code reviews.

Integrating powerful editors like Froala fosters a complete strategy for effective content management in HTML development. It offers WYSIWYG editing and rich text formatting. It also has inline editing features. This approach ensures success in the ever-evolving digital landscape.

Froala Video Plugin for HTML Editor Software: Crafting Visual Experiences

Froala Video plugin

In today’s digital world, visual content is incredibly powerful. Videos have become a highly effective way to engage audiences and convey complex information. To meet the growing demand for video content, the Froala HTML Editor Software has a dedicated Video plugin. This plugin makes it easy to add videos to your content without needing complicated coding or third-party applications. Whether you want to embed instructional videos, product demos, or captivating visuals, the Video plugin allows you to incorporate video elements seamlessly.

The Froala HTML Editor Software is a versatile text editor that goes beyond traditional content creation. It has an easy-to-use interface and many features that allow users to create engaging and visually appealing content. From basic text formatting to advanced multimedia integration, the Froala Editor provides a wide range of tools to enhance the content creation process.

In this article, we will explore the Froala Video plugin in detail. We will cover its installation, setup, usage, and customization. By the end of this guide, you will have a comprehensive understanding of Froala’s Video Plugin’s capabilities and how it can revolutionize your content creation process.

customize videos with Froala

Now, let’s dive into the details of the Froala Video plugin and discover how it works.

Understanding the Video Plugin

The Video Plugin is a powerful tool that makes it easy to add and customize videos in the Froala Editor. It enhances the editor’s capabilities by allowing you to embed videos from sources like YouTube or Vimeo without any coding.

One of the great benefits of the Video Plugin is its simplicity. You can add videos to your content with just a few clicks, saving you time and effort.

With the Video Plugin, you can customize your videos by adjusting their size, display, and align settings.

The Video Plugin works seamlessly on different platforms and browsers, so you don’t have to worry about compatibility issues. Whether you’re working on a website, mobile app, or desktop application, the Video Plugin will work smoothly.

In a nutshell, the Video Plugin in Froala Editor simplifies the process of adding and customizing videos in your content. It’s a user-friendly tool that enables you to embed engaging and interactive video content without any technical expertise.

Installation and Setup of Froala Video Plugin

Depending on the option you are using for installing Froala editor into your application, you’ll end up on your HTML page calling Froala scripts in one of the following two ways:

  1. Using the Froala packaged files
<link href='{url_based_on_your_download_option}/css/froala_editor.pkgd.min.css' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' />

<script type='text/javascript' src='{url_based_on_your_download_option}/js/froala_editor.pkgd.min.js'></script>

The packaged files include all of Froala’s plugin scripts and stylesheets, therefore there’s no need to separately include the Video plugin files.

  1. Using the Froala core editor files
<link href='{url_based_on_your_download_option}/css/froala_editor.min.css' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' />

<script type='text/javascript' src='{url_based_on_your_download_option}/js/froala_editor.min.js'></script>

Only the core files of the editor are included here. To load the desired plugins with the editor, we need to include their scripts and stylesheets.

To add the video plugin to the editor, include the following code:

<link href='{url_based_on_your_download_option}/css/plugins/video.min.css' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' />

<script type='text/javascript' src='{url_based_on_your_download_option}/js/plugins/video.min.js'></script>

This ensures that the video plugin is loaded on the page.

The Video plugin is enabled by default when initializing the Froala editor.

new FroalaEditor('#HTMLElement');

However, when customizing the editor, be cautious when modifying the following Froala options:

  1. pluginsEnabled:
    This option controls the enabled Froala plugins. The Video plugin is enabled by default, but if you’re customizing this option, ensure that you include the Video plugin.
new FroalaEditor('#HTMLElement',{

     pluginsEnabled: ['image', 'link', 'video']

  1. toolbarButtons
    This option controls the buttons displayed on the Froala toolbar. If you are customizing this setting, ensure that you have included the “Insert Video” button.
new FroalaEditor('#HTMLElement',{

    pluginsEnabled: ['image', 'link', 'video'],

    toolbarButtons: ['bold','insertLink', 'insertImage', 'insertVideo']


Do the same with the toolbarButtonsMD, toolbarButtonsSM, toolbarButtonsXS options. These options indicate the buttons to be displayed on medium, small, and extra small screens, respectively. By default, these options display the same buttons defined in the toolbarButtons option.

  1. quickInsertButtons

This option determines the buttons displayed on the “Quick Insert toolbar”, a creative tool that enhances user productivity. The toolbar appears when a user moves to a new line and contains commonly used features, such as buttons to insert images, tables, and videos. Users can customize the buttons, but it is important to include the “Video” button if making changes.

new FroalaEditor('#HTMLElement',{

    pluginsEnabled: ['image', 'link', 'video'],

    toolbarButtons: ['bold','insertLink', 'insertImage', 'insertVideo'],

    quickInsertButtons: ['image', 'video']


By using the above configuration you will be able to insert and handle videos in the Froala editor.

Using the Video Plugin

The Froala Editor Video Plugin provides a seamless way to embed videos into your content. Whether you’re creating blog posts, articles, or web pages, the Video Plugin offers a user-friendly interface to enhance your storytelling with engaging video content. Here’s how you can use the Video Plugin effectively:

Inserting Videos

The Froala’s Video plugin allows you to easily insert video using one of three options:

  1. Using video link
  2. Using video embed code
  3. Uploading a video from your device

To insert a video using the Video Plugin, simply follow these steps:

  1. In the Froala Editor, place your cursor where you want the video to be inserted.
  2. Click on the “Insert Video” button in the toolbar.
  3. A dialog box will appear, allowing you to enter the video URL, enter the embed code, or upload a video file from your computer.
  4. Once you provide the video source, the Video Plugin will automatically generate the necessary HTML code to embed the video into your content.

insert video into Froala

Editing Videos

The Video Plugin in Froala Editor not only allows you to insert videos but also provides editing capabilities for your video content. Once you have inserted a video, you can easily make changes to it by following these steps:

  1. Select the video in the editor by clicking on it.
  2. A toolbar will appear with options to edit the video’s size, display, and alignment.
  3. Use these options to customize the appearance of the video according to your preferences.

Edit video using Froala

With the Video Plugin, you have full control over the videos in your content, making it easy to create engaging and interactive experiences.

Supported Video Formats and Sources

The Video Plugin supports a wide range of video formats, including MP4, WebM, and Ogg. This ensures compatibility with various devices and browsers. You can embed videos from popular video hosting platforms like YouTube, Vimeo, and Dailymotion. Additionally, you can also upload video files directly to your server for hosting.

Customization Options

The Video Plugin offers several customization options, API events, and methods to tailor the video playback to your preferences. We will cover these options in detail in another article.

By utilizing these customization options, you can create a visually appealing and interactive video experience for your audience.

Does FroalaEditor have a video upload size limit?

Yes, you can use the videoMaxSize option offered by the Video Plugin to set the maximum video size allowed on upload in bytes. The default value is 30MB. Although this makes an additional check before uploading the video, it is highly recommended to check the video size on your server too.


In this blog post, we have explored the power and convenience of the Froala Editor Video Plugin. We have seen how this plugin makes it incredibly easy to add and customize videos in your content, without the need for coding or third-party applications.

To recap, the Froala Editor Video Plugin offers the following key benefits:

  1. Simple and intuitive: With just a few clicks, you can add videos to your content, saving you time and effort.
  2. Customization options: You have full control over the size, display, and alignment of your videos, allowing you to create visually appealing and engaging experiences.
  3. Compatibility: The Video Plugin works seamlessly across different platforms and browsers, ensuring a smooth user experience for your audience.

The value and versatility of the Froala Video plugin cannot be overstated. It empowers content creators to incorporate dynamic and interactive video elements into their work, enhancing engagement and conveying complex information more effectively.

We encourage you to try out the Froala Video Plugin for your own content creation needs. Whether you’re a blogger, marketer, educator, or developer, this plugin will transform the way you communicate with your audience. Experience the ease of use, extensive features, and professional results that the Froala Video Plugin offers.

Unlock the potential of video content and elevate your storytelling with the Froala Editor Video Plugin. Start creating captivating and visually stunning content today.

Developing Accessible Web Applications with Online Javascript Editors

Developing accessible web apps

Making your websites or apps accessible is not a luxury but a need in the modern digital age. Search engine optimization (SEO) efforts make digital platforms available to people with a range of skills, limitations, and preferred ways of using technology. These efforts are good for both users and search engines.

Moreover, online JavaScript editors like Froala help enhance website accessibility. They give developers tools to make websites work well for people with different skills.

Froala is an exceptional online Javascript editor since it prioritizes user accessibility. This online JavaScript editor gives developers a set of tools to make websites accessible to all users. Froala makes it easy to create accessible websites. This is thanks to features like keyboard navigation support and in-line editing.

It doesn’t matter if you’re a seasoned web developer or starting. This article will show you how to use an online JavaScript editor. You can use it to make web apps that anyone can use.


Developing accessible web apps

The Importance of Accessibility in Web Development

In web development, accessibility is not a matter of “doing the right thing.” It is also a legitimate and moral obligation.

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) in the United States and the Web Accessibility Directive (WAD) in the European Union are only two examples of the many national and international legislation that require accessible web experiences. Serious penalties, including fines, may result from noncompliance.

Yet, accessibility is not only required by law but also considered key policy:

  • Building an Accessible World: Picture yourself cut off from news, entertainment, and other resources because a website wasn’t made to accommodate your specific requirements. Countless individuals with sensory impairments, physical limitations, or mental challenges face this reality every day. All people can engage in the digital world by using accessible websites.
  • Improved User Experience for All: Features that make things easier to use are helpful for more than just people with challenges. Regardless of a user’s technological skill or situational constraints, websites are made easier to use with clear labeling, keyboard navigation, and alternative text for images.
  • SEO Boost: Search engines like Google prefer accessible websites. They focus on material used by all users. An accessible website will boost your search engine ranking. It will attract more organic visitors and clients.
  • Future-proof your website: Accessible websites will become the standard, not the exception. This will happen as technology advances and assistive devices become more common. By including accessibility features during development, you can ensure that your website remains relevant and functional in the future.

Guiding Principles of WCAG

The online Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) establish a set of generally accepted online accessibility principles. These recommendations lay out best practices to ensure that information and user interfaces are sturdy, perceivable, operable, comprehensible, and robust.

Remember that accessibility extends beyond technical conformance, even though WCAG compliance is critical. Building inclusive websites requires an awareness of consumers’ different demands.

Challenges of Building Accessible Web Apps

An online JavaScript editor simplifies web development, but making accessible web apps is difficult. Some editors lack dynamic content, screen reader support, and complicated keyboard navigation.

Additionally, not all developers have deep accessibility knowledge and dynamic content management with assistive technologies can be tricky. Testing and validation can be time-consuming, with manual and automated testing limitations.

You can use an accessibility-focused editor like Froala to create web apps. Anybody can use online JavaScript editors. It offers built-in features like advanced linking, table editing, and keyboard navigation support.

Stay updated on WCAG guidelines and best practices. Use accessibility plugins and extensions to enhance web accessibility. For a complete and efficient procedure, test and use automated tools to find and fix errors.

How Froala Can Help Develop Accessible Web Apps?

Building accessible web apps with online editors can be challenging. Froala is a powerful JavaScript editor built with accessibility in mind. You can navigate those hurdles and create inclusive experiences for everyone. 

You can integrate Froala with JavaScript for development using the code below: 

      <meta charset="utf-8">
      <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, height=device-height, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0" />
      <link href='' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' />
      <div id="example"></div>
      <script type='text/javascript' src=''></script> 
var editor = new FroalaEditor('#example');


Froala Built-in Accessibility Features

Here’s how Froala empowers you to create accessible experiences:

  • Keyboard navigation: Navigate the editor and content using keyboard controls. Ensure accessibility for users with motor limitations.
  • Froala is WAI-ARIA compliant. It uses WAI-ARIA attributes to describe content and functionality for screen readers. 
  • 508 Compliance: Froala meets the stringent accessibility standards of Section 508. This ensures your apps follow legal requirements.
  • Make the alt text of images descriptive: Add it within the editor for impaired users. This action fulfills WCAG Success Criterion 1.1.

Best Practices for Using JavaScript Web Development

The following guidelines are essential to use JavaScript in web development.

  • Constant code style: You must agree upon a code pattern and style. This will enhance productivity when working on a large JavaScript project. It involves developer collaboration. Maintaining a consistent coding style makes your code easier to read. It also decreases the likelihood of misunderstandings among team members.
  • Use appropriate testing techniques: Testing determines if the final product works as intended. You can reduce vulnerabilities in your code by following effective testing processes. This will prevent malfunctions. In JavaScript testing, people use try/catch. They also use the Behavior-driven development (BDD) technique and avoid using mock.
  • Follow the most recent trends: Stay informed about the latest trends in web development to contribute effectively to creating modern websites. 
  • Correct nomenclature for variables: Functions, Variables, and classes need meaningful and descriptive names. This makes the code easier to read and less confusing for the other project participants.

Bottom Line

Creating accessible web apps is important in web development. It helps ensure the digital content is usable and navigable by individuals with diverse abilities. Online JavaScript editors like Froala can help in this regard. 

Froala is more than an online JavaScript editor; it is a collaborator in your efforts to make your content accessible. Froala gives you the ability to create accessible web applications. It provides customizable integrations, practical WCAG implementations, and built-in capabilities. With Froala, you can explore accessible development.


Boosting Web App Performance Using the Best JavaScript WYSIWYG Editor

javascript wysiwyg editor thumbnail

Ensuring optimal functionality is essential for a seamless user experience when creating websites. A key factor in achieving this lies in selecting the right tool for crafting the textual foundation of your website — HTML. It is similar to choosing the perfect paintbrush for a painting.

We’ll discuss why selecting a good HTML editor is essential, especially one that shows you exactly how your website will look as you work on it. This kind of tool is called a “WYSIWYG” editor, which stands for “What You See Is What You Get.” It’s like a paintbrush that lets you see your painting taking shape while you’re working on it.

In this article, we’ll focus on the best JavaScript WYSIWYG editors and use an example called Froala. We’ll see how using an updated version of this tool can make your website work even better. This gives people a smoother and more enjoyable experience when they visit your website. It’s like upgrading to a newer and more efficient paintbrush to make your masterpiece!

Boosting app performance with a performant editor

Significance of a WYSIWYG Editor

Think of a WYSIWYG editor as a helpful tool that lets creators design and edit stuff on websites without using complicated code. It’s like a magic pen for developers, making websites look cool and interactive. But here’s the important part: a website must look good and work well. So, while this special editor makes creating things easy, a really good website needs both a nice design and to run smoothly. 


It’s a bit like having a stylish car; looks matter, but how well it drives is just as important. In the web world, the best JavaScript WYSIWYG editor is the design tool, making things look nice, and the web app’s performance is like the engine, ensuring everything works well.

Web App Performance Optimization Tips

Boost your website’s speed and user experience with these simple tips for web app performance optimization.

1. Minimizing HTTP Requests

When choosing the best JavaScript WYSIWYG editor, ensure it’s good at loading things fast and doesn’t ask for too much stuff from the server. This helps your web page load quicker, making the whole site work better. By asking the server for fewer things, your website becomes more flexible and responsive, giving users a smoother experience.

2. Responsive Design

It’s also important to check that your selected editor can make your web app look good on any device. This is called responsive design, meaning your content adjusts to fit screens of all sizes, like on computers, tablets, or phones. Doing this makes your site easier to use and suits your users’ different preferences, making them happier with their experience.

3. Lazy Loading

Try using lazy loading for things that aren’t important, like content created by the WYSIWYG editor. This means loading only some things at once when someone opens your page. By waiting to load things until they’re needed, you speed up how fast everything shows up. Lazy loading ensures users can quickly get to what they want, making their time on your site smoother and more enjoyable.

4. Code Splitting

If you go for a WYSIWYG editor that supports code splitting, it’s like making things easier for developers. Code splitting lets them break down the code into smaller, more manageable pieces. This way, only the necessary code loads when needed, rather than everything at the start. It doesn’t just make the site faster; it also makes it easier to manage and grow.

Froala’s Contribution to Web App Performance

Froala is an excellent tool for making websites look fantastic. It’s like a superhero toolkit for developers. It helps create dynamic and efficient websites. Froala is not just about making things look good; it also ensures the website works well. 


Here’s how it does that:

1. Efficient Resource Loading

The Froala toolkit is like a speed maestro, carefully designed to ensure your website loads fast and minimizes delays. This focus on efficient resource loading isn’t just about speed; it’s about creating an even better experience for users and boosting the overall performance of your web app.

2. Responsive Design Support

Crafted with the idea of responsive design at its core, the Froala editor acts like a design wizard for developers. It allows them to create content that magically adjusts to fit perfectly on different devices and screen sizes. This means your website looks fantastic and works seamlessly, offering a consistently optimized user experience no matter where users access it.

3. Lazy Loading Capabilities

With Froala’s SDK, developers can implement lazy loading for non-essential content, further improving performance by loading resources only when needed. This approach aligns with best practices for web app optimization.

4. Code Splitting Features

Froala’s SDK comes with features like code splitting, allowing developers to organize their code smartly. This isn’t just about making development easier; it’s about speeding up load times. By loading only the necessary bits of code when needed, your web app becomes faster and more efficient, contributing to an overall enhanced performance.


Choosing the right JavaScript WYSIWYG editor is crucial in web app development. It’s like selecting the perfect set of tools that not only help design your website’s appearance but also ensure that it runs smoothly. Froala’s advanced SDK stands out because it goes beyond just creating content. It actively contributes to optimizing your web app’s performance. 


It’s like having a toolkit that lets you build your website’s appearance and makes sure it works efficiently. Developers can ensure optimal performance and aesthetic appeal for their websites by following our recommended tips and using Froala’s specialized toolkit.


Download Froala Editor

Building a Support System with Laravel PHP and Froala HTML Editor Sofware – part 3


In this article, we will continue building a rich-text support system using the Laravel PHP Framework and the Froala html editor software. If you haven’t read the previous articles in this series, we recommend doing so as we will be building upon them.



Part 1: Building a Support System Using Laravel PHP Framework and Froala Rich Text Editor

Part 2: Simplify Froala Image Management in Laravel using Froala PHP SDK

A Quick Recap

In the previous articles, we built a page containing a form for users to send their issues to the support team. We used Froala to allow users to send a rich-text message. Users can include images within their messages to help them describe their issues better. We used Froala PHP SDK to validate the images and store them on the server. Once the user is done with their messages and submits the form, the data is saved into the database using our html editor software.

Retrieving and Displaying User Messages for Site Administrators

In this article, we will learn how to retrieve user messages from the database and display them to the site administrators. This will allow the administrators to respond to the users’ issues. We will not cover the implementation of a login system for the administrators, as there are already many resources available for setting up authentication in Laravel. Instead, we will focus on creating a page that lists all the user tickets and another page that displays the details of a specific ticket for the administrators to respond to.

List User Requests

Let’s create a new resource controller to allow the support team to review and read the submitted requests.

php artisan make:controller AdminRequestController --resource

Add the route in web.php

Route::resources(['admin/requests' => App\Http\Controllers\AdminRequestController::class]);

Open the AdminRequestController.php and add the following line at the top to allow us to use the Request model within the controller.

use App\Models\Request as RequestModel;

Edit the index function to

    public function index()
        $requests = RequestModel::all();

        return view('requests.index', ['request'=>$request]);


The above code fetches all the user messages from the database using the RequestModel::all() method. Then it passes the retrieved data to the requests.index view.

We need to create the requests.index view to display the user tickets on the page. Let’s create a new file called index.blade.php in the resources/views/requests directory. In this file, we can iterate over the $requests variable using a @foreach loop and display the necessary information for each ticket.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="{{ str_replace('_', '-', app()->getLocale()) }}">
        <meta charset="utf-8">
        <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">

        <title>Support App.</title>

        <!-- Fonts -->
        <link href=";600;700&display=swap" rel="stylesheet">

        <!-- Styles -->
        <link href="[email protected]/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet" integrity="sha384-T3c6CoIi6uLrA9TneNEoa7RxnatzjcDSCmG1MXxSR1GAsXEV/Dwwykc2MPK8M2HN" crossorigin="anonymous">

        <script src="[email protected]/dist/js/bootstrap.bundle.min.js" integrity="sha384-C6RzsynM9kWDrMNeT87bh95OGNyZPhcTNXj1NW7RuBCsyN/o0jlpcV8Qyq46cDfL" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>

        <div class="container">
            <div class="row justify-content-center">
                <h1 class="col-md-8 my-5 text-center">
                    All Requests

            <div class="row justify-content-center">
                <table class="table">
                        <th scope="col">#</th>
                        <th scope="col">Subject</th>
                        <th scope="col">date</th>
                        <th scope="col">View</th>
                        @foreach ($requests as $i => $request)

                        <th scope="row">{{$i}}</th>
                            <a href="{{route('', $request->id )}}" type="button" class="btn btn-info">View</a>


Once we have the index.blade.php view set up, we can navigate to the /admin/requests route to see the list of user tickets.

Laravel support system

Request Details View

Next to each ticket, there is a button to view the ticket details. Clicking on it redirects the support team member to the /admin/requests/{ID} URL, where ID is the unique identifier of the ticket.

To handle the route for viewing a specific ticket, we need to update the AdminRequestController show function. This function will retrieve the ticket details from the database based on the ID and pass them to the view.

     * Display the specified resource.
     * @param  int  $id
     * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
    public function show($id)

        $request = RequestModel::findOrFail($id);

        return view('', ['request'=>$request]);

Next, let’s create a new file called show.blade.php in the resources/views/requests directory. In this file, we can display the details of a specific ticket by accessing the properties of the $request variable. We can show the subject, description, date, and any other relevant information.

On this page, it is crucial to include the CSS stylesheet provided below in the page header to ensure the accurate display of the data that users entered using the Froala html editor software.

<link href='' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' />

The show.blade.php full code is:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="{{ str_replace('_', '-', app()->getLocale()) }}">
        <meta charset="utf-8">
        <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">

        <title>Support App.</title>

        <!-- Fonts -->
        <link href=";600;700&display=swap" rel="stylesheet">

        <!-- Styles -->
        <link href="[email protected]/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet" integrity="sha384-T3c6CoIi6uLrA9TneNEoa7RxnatzjcDSCmG1MXxSR1GAsXEV/Dwwykc2MPK8M2HN" crossorigin="anonymous">

        <script src="[email protected]/dist/js/bootstrap.bundle.min.js" integrity="sha384-C6RzsynM9kWDrMNeT87bh95OGNyZPhcTNXj1NW7RuBCsyN/o0jlpcV8Qyq46cDfL" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>

        <!-- CSS file for showing Froala content outside the editor -->
        <link href='' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' />

        <div class="container">
            <div class="row justify-content-center">
                <div class="col-md-8 my-5 ">
                <div class="card col-md-4 my-5 ">
                    <div class="card-header">
                        Requester Details
                    <ul class="list-group list-group-flush">
                        <li class="list-group-item">{{$request->name}}</li>
                        <li class="list-group-item">{{$request->email}}</li>
                        <li class="list-group-item">{{$request->created_at}}</li>



The above code will display the subject of the ticket, the content of the request (which includes HTML code), and the details of the requester’s name and email. We use Bootstrap to style the card that contains the requester details.

Displaying Froala Editor content Outside The Editor

In addition to adding froala_style.min.css to the header, it is important to note that we use {!! !!} instead of {{ }} to display the request variable that contains Froala Content. This is because it contains HTML code, which should be rendered as is without any character escaping.

Laravel PHP support system ticket details

The support team can now view the ticket and requester details. They have the option to manually email the requester with a solution to their issue. We could improve this process by including a “Reply” button that opens a Froala editor. This editor would enable the support team to draft a message that is automatically sent back to the requester. If you would like me to address this topic in another article, please leave a comment.


In this article, we have learned how to configure the index view to showcase a list of user tickets. We have also explored handling the route for viewing a specific ticket and presenting its details in the show.blade.php file. Bootstrap was utilized for styling, along with including the necessary CSS files for displaying Froala content outside the editor. This ensures that user-entered content is displayed accurately.

As a next step, consider enhancing system security by implementing authentication features that limit access to authorized administrators. Laravel provides built-in authentication capabilities that can be seamlessly integrated into the support system, offering an additional layer of control and privacy.

Overall, this article emphasizes the simplicity and effectiveness of showcasing Froala content outside the editor within the Laravel PHP framework. With this knowledge, you can handle user tickets and provide exceptional support within your application.

Start using Froala in your Laravel application now. For any queries or assistance, do not hesitate to reach out to us. Happy coding!

Froala Image Management in Laravel: Easy for HTML Code Writers

Froala PHP SDK

If you’re using the Froala html code writer in your Laravel project to offer rich-text editing options for your users, they can use it to insert images in their content. These images are not saved to your PHP server by default, but you need to handle storing these images using the Froala events. Since uploading images to a PHP server could be a complex task for many developers, Froala offers a PHP SDK to simplify this process. The SDK provides a set of functions and methods that streamline the image management process, allowing you to upload, edit, and delete images with ease.

This article is the second part of the “Building a Support System Using Laravel PHP Framework and Froala html editor software“ series. We will use the Froala PHP SDK to enhance the support system we created by adding the functionality to store, validate, and remove images in the contact form. By doing this, we can display the uploaded images within the “Request Details” field to the admin at a later stage.

Get Started

To get started, you’ll need to install the Froala PHP SDK in your Laravel project. Include the SDK as a dependency in your composer.json file.

    "name": "laravel/laravel",
    "type": "project",
    "description": "The Laravel Framework.",
    "keywords": ["framework", "laravel"],
    "license": "MIT",
    "require": {
        "php": "^7.3|^8.0",
        "fruitcake/laravel-cors": "^2.0",
        "guzzlehttp/guzzle": "^7.0.1",
        "laravel/framework": "^8.75",
        "laravel/sanctum": "^2.11",
        "laravel/tinker": "^2.5",
        "twbs/bootstrap": "5.3.2",
        "froala/wysiwyg-editor-php-sdk" : ""
    "require-dev": {
        "facade/ignition": "^2.5",
        "fakerphp/faker": "^1.9.1",
        "laravel/sail": "^1.0.1",
        "mockery/mockery": "^1.4.4",
        "nunomaduro/collision": "^5.10",
        "phpunit/phpunit": "^9.5.10"
    "autoload": {
        "psr-4": {
            "App\\": "app/",
            "Database\\Factories\\": "database/factories/",
            "Database\\Seeders\\": "database/seeders/"
    "autoload-dev": {
        "psr-4": {
            "Tests\\": "tests/"
    "scripts": {
        "post-autoload-dump": [
            "@php artisan package:discover --ansi"
        "post-update-cmd": [
            "@php artisan vendor:publish --tag=laravel-assets --ansi --force"
        "post-root-package-install": [
            "@php -r \"file_exists('.env') || copy('.env.example', '.env');\""
        "post-create-project-cmd": [
            "@php artisan key:generate --ansi"
    "extra": {
        "laravel": {
            "dont-discover": []
    "config": {
        "optimize-autoloader": true,
        "preferred-install": "dist",
        "sort-packages": true
    "minimum-stability": "dev",
    "prefer-stable": true

Run the composer update command

composer update

This command will update the dependencies specified in the composer.json file and install the latest versions of the packages.

Before we dive in, make sure your server has the FileInFo extension enabled. You can do this by opening your server “php.ini“ file and removing the “;“ before “extension=fileinfo” if it exists.

The SDK also requires the Imagick extension to be enabled. To install the Imagick extension on XAMPP, you can follow these steps:

  1. Download the appropriate Imagick DLL file for your PHP version from the PECL website.
  1. Copy the downloaded php_imagick.dll file to the “ext” directory in your XAMPP installation.
  1. Copy other DLL files to the PHP root directory (where you have php.exe). Ex: For XAMPP users, `C:\xampp\php\` folder.
  2. Open the “php.ini” file in the “php” directory of your XAMPP installation.
  3. Add the following line to the “php.ini” file:


  1. Save the changes to the “php.ini” file and restart the Apache server in XAMPP.

Once you have completed these steps, the Imagick extension will be installed and ready to be used in your XAMPP environment. Now you can proceed to use the Froala html code writer PHP SDK in your Laravel application.

Upload images using the Froala PHP SDK

Before proceeding with the process of uploading images, it is necessary to configure certain Froala API options and events:

  • imageUploadParam is the name of the parameter that contains the image file information in the upload request. The default value is “file,” but you can change it to whatever name you want.
  • imageUploadURL is the URL where the upload request is being made.
  • imageUploadParams are additional parameters that are passed in the upload request to the server.
  • imageUploadMethod is the HTTP request type.
  • imageMaxSize is the maximum image size that can be uploaded.
  • imageAllowedTypes is an array with the image types allowed to be uploaded.
  • image.beforeUpload event is triggered before starting the upload request and it can be used to change the upload params or cancel the action.
  • image.uploaded event is triggered after a successful image upload request, but before inserting the image into the editor.
  • image.inserted event is triggered after inserting the image into the editor.
  • image.replaced event is triggered after replacing the image in the editor.
  • image.error event is triggered if any errors occur during the upload process.

Go ahead to the `welcome.blade.php` and edit the script to

            // to protect your application from cross-site request forgery (CSRF) 
            let token = document.querySelector('[name="_token"]').value;

            new FroalaEditor("#request", {

                toolbarButtons: [
                    ['fontSize', 'bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'strikeThrough'],
                    [ 'alignLeft', 'alignCenter', 'alignRight', 'alignJustify','textColor', 'backgroundColor'],
                    ['formatOLSimple', 'formatUL', 'insertLink','insertImage','insertFile'],

                //Set the request type
                //Set the image upload URl.

                //To avoid getting 419 bad request
                imageUploadParams: {
                    _token: token

The code above configures the image upload method and URL so that when a user inserts an image in the editor, an HTTP request is automatically sent to the ‘/upload’ URL.

To prevent server errors and protect against CSRF attacks, we included the CSRF token generated by Laravel for each active user session in the request. This was done using the imageUploadParams option in Froala.

Next, we need to create a route and controller to handle the HTTP request for inserted images. Use the following command to generate the controller.

php artisan make:controller ImageHandlerController

create Laravel controller

Then, open our “web.php” and define a route for the URL assigned to the imageUploadURL option.

use App\Http\Controllers\ImageHandlerController;

Route::post('/upload', [ImageHandlerController::class, 'store']);

Open the newly created controller to add the store function. In this function, we will use the Froala PHP SDK upload method to store the uploaded images in the storage\app\public\uploads folder.


namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use FroalaEditor_Image;

class ImageHandlerController extends Controller
     * Store the uploaded image
    public function store()
        return FroalaEditor_Image::upload('/support-app/storage/app/public/uploads/');

The upload method returns the URL of the uploaded image, which is then assigned to the src attribute of the inserted image by Froala.

Now, when a user inserts an image in the Froala html code writer, it will be automatically uploaded to the specified URL and stored in the designated folder.

After submitting the form, the database will store the permanent URLs of the inserted images within the “request details” content. These images can then be displayed on the admin dashboard for reviewing user requests.

Server-side image upload validation

Froala editor offers imageAllowedTypes and imageMaxSize options for client-side validation of image type and size. Additionally, the Froala PHP SDK upload method enables server-side validation of uploaded images. This provides an extra layer of security and ensures that only valid images are accepted.

The second parameter of the FroalaEditor_Image::upload accepts an array for validating the uploaded image.

To validate image uploads on the server side, make the following modifications to the store function in the ImageHandlerController

    public function store()
        $options = array(
            'validation' => array(
            'allowedExts' => array('jpeg', 'jpg'),
            'allowedMimeTypes' => array('image/jpeg', 'image/pjpeg')
        return FroalaEditor_Image::upload('/support-app/storage/app/public/uploads/', $options);

The code above sets Froala to accept only JPEG and JPG images. Uploading any other image type will trigger an error message.

Froala PHP SDK - server-side validation

By implementing image upload validation on the server side, we can ensure that only valid images are accepted and stored in the designated folder. This helps to maintain the integrity and security of the application.

Removing Images From the Server

Unlike uploading, Froala does not have a built-in option for making a server request to delete uploaded images. However, we can utilize the froalaEditor.image.removed event to send an AJAX request to the server when the user selects the “remove image” button. This event is triggered after the image has been removed from the editable area.

Open welcome.blade.php and add the following code to the Froala initialization code.

                    'image.beforeRemove': function ($img){
                        const url = '/support-app/public/image-delete',
                        params ={
                            src: $img[0].src

                        // Send Ajax call to delete the image
                            method: 'delete',
                            headers: {
                                'Content-Type': 'application/json',
                                'X-CSRF-TOKEN': token
                            body: JSON.stringify(params)
                        .then(response => {
                            const reposList = response.json();
                        .catch(err => console.log(err))

The code above sends a delete request to the “/image-delete” URL, including the image src attribute of the image that will be deleted.

Let’s define the “/image-delete” URL in the “web.php“ file.

Route::delete('/image-delete/', [ImageHandlerController::class, 'remove']);

This route action is controlled by the remove method in the ImageHandlerController. Open the `ImageHandlerController.php` to define this method.

     * Remove the uploaded image
    public function remove(Request $request)
        $search = request()->getScheme().'://'.$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']; //
        $src= str_replace($search, '', $request->src);
        return FroalaEditor_Image::delete($src);

The remove method utilizes the FroalaEditor_Image::delete method from the Froala PHP SDK to delete the image from the server.

Testing Image Upload and Removal Functionality

To test if everything is working properly, follow these steps:

  1. Upload an image to the editor.
  2. Navigate to the storage\app\public\uploads directory to view the uploaded image. The image should be there.
  3. Return to the editor and click on the image. Then, choose the “Remove Image” option from the “Edit Image” popup.
  4. Open the storage\app\public\uploads directory again. The image shouldn’t be there anymore.

froala php sdk and Laravel

Replace the uploaded image

The Froala “Edit Image“ popup allows users by default to replace the current image with a new one. This enhances the user experience by enabling them to quickly update the image without needing to remove the current uploaded image first. However, while Froala automatically replaces the image on the front-end, the functionality of removing the selected image from the server and storing the new one must be implemented separately. We can utilize the Froala PHP SDK to accomplish this task efficiently. Nonetheless, this article will not cover the implementation process. Instead, we will hide the “Replace Image” option, requiring users to remove the existing image before uploading a new one.

Edit the Froala initialization code at welcome.blade.php to

            // to protect your application from cross-site request forgery (CSRF)
            let token = document.querySelector('[name="_token"]').value;

            new FroalaEditor("#request", {

                toolbarButtons: [
                    ['fontSize', 'bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'strikeThrough'],
                    [ 'alignLeft', 'alignCenter', 'alignRight', 'alignJustify','textColor', 'backgroundColor'],
                    ['formatOLSimple', 'formatUL', 'insertLink','insertImage','insertFile'],

                imageEditButtons: ['imageAlign', 'imageCaption', 'imageRemove', '|', 'imageLink', 'linkOpen', 'linkEdit', 'linkRemove', '-', 'imageDisplay', 'imageStyle', 'imageAlt', 'imageSize'],

                //imageMaxSize: 1024 * 1024 * 3,

                //Set the request type

                //Set the image upload URl.

                //To avoid getting 419 bad request
                imageUploadParams: {
                    _token: token

                    'image.beforeRemove': function ($img){

                        const url = '/support-app/public/image-delete',
                        params ={
                            src: $img[0].src

                        // Send Ajax call to delete the image
                            method: 'delete',
                            headers: {
                                'Content-Type': 'application/json',
                                'X-CSRF-TOKEN': token
                            body: JSON.stringify(params)
                        .then(response => {
                            const reposList = response.json();
                        .catch(err => console.log(err))


In the above code, we customized the `imageEditButtons` API option by removing the ‘imageReplace’ from the array.


Integrating the Froala PHP SDK into your Laravel project provides a seamless solution for handling image management within the Froala JavaScript WYSIWYG editor. By leveraging the SDK’s functions and methods, developers can simplify the process of uploading, validating, and deleting images, offering a user-friendly experience for content creators.

Incorporating the Froala PHP SDK into your Laravel project not only simplifies image management but also enhances the support system you’ve built. By enabling users to upload and display images within the contact form, you can provide a more interactive and engaging experience for both users and administrators.

As you continue to build your Laravel project and leverage the power of the Froala PHP SDK, we hope that the insights and instructions provided in this article have proven helpful. Remember to stay updated with the latest SDK version and explore additional features and functionalities it offers. With Froala and Laravel at your disposal, you can create a truly dynamic and visually appealing content creation platform.

Transforming the Digital Landscape with an Advanced HTML Editor Software

HTML Editor Software Deep dive Thumbnail

An efficient HTML editor software is crucial in the fast-paced world of building websites. Whether you’re an expert coder or just starting, the right HTML editor makes coding more manageable and helps you get more work done. 

This article will discuss the importance of HTML editors in website development, focusing on Froala, an impressive HTML editor software gaining popularity in the industry. We’ll explore how HTML editors are used and why Froala stands out for its user-friendly features.

Role of HTML Editor Software in Web Development

Think of HTML Editors in web development like the tools a builder uses to make a house. They’re like digital instruments that help developers create, change, and organize the code that forms a website. Just as a builder relies on different tools for construction, developers rely on HTML Editor software to make coding easier.

These editors can be simple, like basic text ones, or more advanced with visual previews of the code. In today’s web development, these tools are super necessary. They make tasks more accessible for developers, help design, and ensure that web content is well-organized.

In a nutshell, HTML Editors are like helpful companions for developers. They make coding more straightforward and efficient, which is vital in creating and managing websites. They’re a must-have in the toolkit for anyone working on modern web development.

HTML Editor Software Deep dive

Froala: The Next Generation WYSIWYG HTML Editor

Froala is a top-notch HTML editor software that many developers love. It’s a super versatile tool that helps you make cool and dynamic web pages. Unlike regular text editors, Froala shows you a live preview of your code as you work. This visual preview makes coding much more straightforward and great for beginners and experienced developers.

Key Capabilities of Froala

Let’s explore the critical capabilities of Froala, the HTML editor making waves.

1. Developer-Friendly Integration: Easy Collaboration

Froala is excellent for developers because it easily fits into more than 15 different frameworks. Its powerful features make coding quicker and simpler, creating a smooth and efficient workflow.

2. Customizable WYSIWYG Experience: Your Editing, Your Way

Froala lets you personalize your editing experience with its adjustable toolbar. This means you have precise control when creating and changing content, making it fit your preferences and needs.

3. Elegant User Interface: Beautiful and Simple Design

Froala’s clean and elegant design makes it look great while you work on your website. The user interface is made to be simple yet sophisticated, providing a pleasant and inspiring place for content creation.

4. Language-Agnostic JavaScript Rich Text Editor: Works with Any Major Framework

Froala’s JavaScript Rich Text Editor can work with any significant framework, so you don’t need to learn a new programming language. This lets you focus on creating amazing content within your preferred server-side SDK, making coding easier.

5. Feature-Rich Editing Capabilities: Lots of Tools for Creativity

Froala’s editor has about 35 plugins, giving you many tools to create awesome content. The advanced options for text and table formatting save time and make editing easier, providing a versatile toolkit for your creative process.

6. Well-Documented for Guidance: Expert Help When You Need It

Froala’s editor comes with a detailed guide, making it easy to understand and use all its features. This ensures you can confidently create excellent code supported by clear instructions. Froala is committed to helping you navigate the editing process smoothly so you feel confident and knowledgeable.

Froala’s Integration as HTML Rich Text Editor

Froala becomes part of web development as a super handy Text Editor, changing how developers make and improve written stuff on websites. It’s like magic because it shows developers a quick look at their writing while they’re working. This makes coding easier for both new and experienced developers. 

Froala is excellent for making words look awesome on websites – you can make text bold, add tables, and put in pictures without needing to be a coding expert. In creating websites, Froala joining in as a Text Editor is like a big step forward to make websites look cool and polished.

Let’s explore how to integrate Froala. 

Create an HTML Web Page

First, create a folder in which you want to keep your HTML Rich Text Editor. Then, create a file named ‘index.html’ and paste the following code into it.


      <meta charset="utf-8">
      <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, height=device-height, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0" />
      <link href='' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' />
      <div id="example"></div>
      <script type='text/javascript' src=''></script> 
var editor = new FroalaEditor('#example');


This HTML code sets up a webpage with Froala Editor, a text editor for web development. It includes meta tags for character encoding and responsive design, links to Froala’s CSS file for styling, and initializes the editor with JavaScript. 

The editor is placed in a <div> with the ID “example,” allowing users to create and edit content interactively. Using a content delivery network (CDN) ensures the latest Froala Editor version is loaded.


Using HTML editors is a must for developers who want to make their work easier. Froala HTML editor software is like a superhero among these editors because it’s easy to use and works smoothly on all kinds of web browsers and devices. The best part is that you can customize it to fit your specific needs. 

Many developers worldwide prefer Froala because of its awesome features. As web development continues to improve, handy tools like Froala are like our companions. Such tools help us adapt to the ever-changing digital landscape and ensure we stay at the forefront of these exciting advancements.

Download Froala Editor

Top 10 Useful Tools to Boost Your React Project in 2024

top 10 react tools

I still remember when React was introduced at JSConfUS on May 28, 2013; it looks like it was yesterday. 

When the React codes went live, there was a lot of skepticism among the developers, as many, like me, felt it might have been a step backward made by the Facebook team.

React’s creators quickly targeted innovators by creating tutorial tools that turned haters into advocates.

Almost eleven years later, in 2024, the millions of React devs and I were right: It’s the most popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces. Every week, React is downloaded 8 million times. 

Nobody can deny it, and if you do this for work, it’s the most efficient, flexible, and easy-to-use framework.

To make the most out of their React projects, developers need to hold powerful tools that can boost the development process and overall project quality. 

This article will explore the top 10 tools to improve front-end web development React projects. The list covers a range of functionalities, from testing to UI design and management.

top 10 useful react tools in 2024

#1 Froala

Froala is a WYSIWYG HTML editor that can integrate into a React project, providing a rich text editing experience. 

This tool is useful when the application requires content creation or editing capabilities, such as blog posts, articles, comments, social media posts, whitepapers, reports, or scripts.

With Froala, the developer can easily incorporate a feature-rich text editor without complex configurations. 

Its modular architecture allows choosing specific features, ensuring optimal performance for your application. 

To install Froala on a React project, just run this code:

npm install react-froala-wysiwyg –save

#2 Redux

Redux offers a centralized store to manage the state of the application. It helps to debug, test, and the application’s behavior.

State management is a central aspect of building complex React applications. This tool is the library for predictable states. 

By using Redux, the professional can create a single source of state, enabling communication between components and facilitating management changes. 

The Redux DevTools help to trace when, where, why, and how the application’s state changed.

To install the toolkit in a React project, run the following command:

npm install @reduxjs/toolkit

#3 React Router

React Router allows the developer to define routes declaratively, making navigating between different components based on the URLs easy.

It is an adopted tool for implementing navigation in React projects. Create React App doesn’t have page routing.

The developer can implement features like route parameters and navigation guards with React Router. 

React Router is essential for managing navigation in a React project, whether in a single-page application or a complex web platform.

The professional must run the following code to install this tool on a React project:

npm install react-router-dom localforage match-sorter sort-by

#4 Jest

Web development testing is crucial to maintaining a robust and reliable codebase. Jest is a popular JavaScript testing framework in the React ecosystem. 

Meta maintains Jest and is designed to be easy to set up and developer-friendly.

This tool supports a range of testing methodologies, including unit testing, integration testing, and snapshot testing. 

It has built-in support for mocking, simplifying the testing of isolated components. 

The developer can install this tool on the React project running this code:

npm install –save-dev jest

#5 Enzyme

Enzyme is a testing utility for React developed by Airbnb. It provides a set of testing utilities that make asserting, manipulating, and trailing the output of React components easy.

Enzyme enables the rendering of React components, traverses the rendered output, and asserts on specific elements. 

This tool is handy for testing components in isolation and ensuring they behave.

It helps developers create maintainable test suites.

To implement Enzyme in your React project via npm, run the following commands:

npm install –save enzyme enzyme-adapter-react-16

#6 Storybook

Storybook is a tool for developing User Interface components in isolation. The tool allows developers to build and test components independently.

It provides a visual development environment, helping developers document, test, and develop components.

With Storybook, the professional can visualize the components, making it easier to understand the behavior. 

It supports various configurations, allowing you to test components under different scenarios. 

To implement Storybook in your React project via npm, run the following command:

npx -p @storybook/cli sb init

#7 Material-UI

Material-UI is a React UI framework that implements Google’s Material Design principles. It offers a set of pre-designed React components and styles. 

The components of this tool are customizable and can be integrated seamlessly into React projects.=

Using Material-UI, the developer can accelerate the creation process and ensure a cohesive design language across your application.

It offers many options, including buttons, forms, and navigation elements. 

Material-UI allows the professional to adapt the components to fit the application’s needs.

To implement Material-UI in your React project via npm, run the following commands:

npm install @mui/material @emotion/react @emotion/styled

#8 Cypress

Cypress is an end-to-end testing framework designed for web applications. It provides fast and reliable testing tools for projects. 

The tool supports real-time reloading and automatic waiting and enables developers to write tests using familiar tools like Mocha and Chai.

Cypress allows the developer to write tests that interact with your application in a way that simulates actual user behavior.

It comes with time-travel debugging, allowing the professional to inspect the application’s state at different points during the test execution. 

By incorporating Cypress, the developer can ensure a higher level of confidence in the stability of the React project.

To implement Cypress in your React project via npm, run the following command:

npm install cypress –save-dev

#9 is a collaborative tool that allows developers to share, organize, and reuse React components across different projects. 

It promotes component-driven development, enabling teams to build a component library that enhances consistency and accelerates development.

Component-driven development is a growing trend in the React ecosystem. Bit allows for the isolation, version, and sharing of individual components.

With Bit, the developer can turn the components into shareable building blocks, allowing other developers to discover, use, and even contribute to your component library. 

It supports various package managers, making it versatile and compatible with different project setups.

To implement Bit in your React project via npm, run the following command:


npm install bit-bin -g


#10 React Sight

React Sight is a Chrome and Firefox extension visually representing the React component hierarchy. It helps developers understand the structure of their applications, identify performance bottlenecks, and optimize the rendering process.

Understanding how components in your React application interact is crucial for efficient development and debugging.


With React Sight, you can visually inspect the structure of your components, see how data flows through the application, and identify potential performance bottlenecks. 

React Sight is easy to integrate, requiring only a browser extension, making it a must-have for React developers striving for optimal code quality.

To implement React Sight in your React project, install it as a browser extension from the respective web store. Once installed, open your React application, and React Sight will automatically detect it.


In these ten years, I have been following the evolution of React. Gradually, this framework gained a reputation among us developers. It began to be adopted by a considerable number of developers.

This led to the emergence of several tools integrated with React. This React prevalence trend should continue for a few years.

These tools aren’t just some techy add-ons; they’re the sauce our React projects need in 2024. 


Whether deep into crafting components or integrating these tools, they can be game-changers, as there was for me.

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